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  1. Observations:
    David did not harm Saul because Saul was the anointed of the Lord. Who has the right to harm the Lord’s chosen? David was ‘God’s voice’ in how the king needs to be treated and how the king needs to see what he was doing.

    Nabal did not see God’s hand in his daily living through the safety given by David while David lived in that region. Nabal thought that his wealth was the workings of his own hands. Like his name meant, so was he – a fool. Abigail saw the workings of the Lord and was an instrument of His peace, keeping David from doing wrong.

    Saul again pursues David. Even when shown the wrong he did before Saul continues to do the same. David continues to walk with integrity and Saul lives again – David saves Saul’s life. Once agin Saul recognizes his wrong and once agin Saul speaks prophetic words. But Saul continues to pursue Saul until Saul heard that David went to Gath.

    When the enemy confronted Saul, Saul consulted the medians and he saw Samuel who reminded him that he had departed from the ways of the Lord. When in trouble, Saul realized once again that he needed the Lord.

    Achish also recognized the hand of the Lord when David lived in his land but was influenced by the surrounding kings and asked David not to be part of the battle. One chooses sides and Achish choose the wrong side even though he saw the hand of the Lord blessing David.

    When the Amalekites had taken the women, David’s men turned against him, their faithful leader. But David turned to the Lord to ask what should be done. After given the victory, the spoils were given to all for the victory belonged to the Lord.

    Saul took his own life when overcome by the Philistines.

    Throughout the reading today I was reminded about the hand of the Lord – He is everywhere, but do I have the eyes to see what He is doing or what He has accomplished? How is He directing my footsteps each day and how am I acknowledging Him in my life? Where do I see Him and when do I talk to Him?
    Hep me Lord at all times to walk with You and talk with You as I live in Your presence. Help me acknowledge that presence in the presence of all that You are the ‘pilot’ of my life – the wind beneath my wings.

    Lead me and guide me always Lord and open my eyes so that I see You this day and open my ears to hear Your voice saying – This is the way. Walk in it.

    esus wants me for a sunbeam
    to shine for Him each day.
    In every moment.
    at home at work at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

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