Resurrection hope!

June 30, 2013
I was sliding down into the pit of death, and he pulled me out.
The psalmist has experienced God’s resurrection power before, now he is trusting in Good to do it again: Lord, please save me. Lord, come quickly to help me.
Our confidence in God is not just when things are going well or easy.
Through faith in God, we hang on even when life is hard or awful.
Belief in God is a worldview, a way of looking at life and reality.
Depending on the God you believe in, your worldview can be positive our negative.
I believe in the God that Jesus represents: the God of condescending love, of mercy, forgiveness, patience, humility, of self-sacrificing death and resurrection hope.
The psalmist believed in this Good too, even though he did not know Jesus.
He believed in a God of mercy, a God that is concerned for the meek and lowly, a God that will eventually step in to help, to save.
Does your worldview include a God like this, do you see life and reality through the lens of Jesus, hope, mercy, peace?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You give me hope when life gives me despair. You remind me of the God that cares when no one or nothing else seems to. With You, there’s always tomorrow!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The psalmist will glorify God for He has given him the victory! His prayers have been answered. Sing praises! When God was near, the psalmist was strong but when God was ‘not found’ he was in despair. God is secure and the psalmist must be the same. Praise him at all times for He is there. He is your help and security. He will respond. He will answer. He is your joy and song.
    Praise Him!

    God has not moved. He is Who He is and always will be. It is I who moves. Do I seek Him always? Do I serve Him always? In the good times and in the ‘bad’ times, who is my power, my help? Happiness is only found in the Lord. Praise Him today. Praise Him tomorrow. Praise Him always! Look for Him and see what He has done. Great is Your faithfulness Oh God! Your mercies are new every morning. Let me walk this day with You.
    Each day anew, I ail walk with my risen Saviour. GodStrong.

    O Lord let me walk with You always and forevermore.
    O for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame,
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb!

    Where is the blessedness I knew,
    When first I saw the Lord?
    Where is the soul refreshing view
    Of Jesus and His Word?

    What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
    How sweet their memory still!
    But they have left an aching void
    The world can never fill.

    Return, O holy Dove, return,
    Sweet messenger of rest!
    I hate the sins that made Thee mourn
    And drove Thee from my breast.

    The dearest idol I have known,
    Whate’er that idol be
    Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
    And worship only Thee.

    So shall my walk be close with God,
    Calm and serene my frame;
    So purer light shall mark the road
    That leads me to the Lamb.

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