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  1. Observations/Applications:
    God’s selection of the new king reminds me once again that God looks at the heart and not the outward look. Samuel also did what the Lord asked even when afraid for the Lord God was His strength, empowering him to do His will. God gives His people strength.
    Music soothes. Music stills the soul as was shown by David playing the harp for Saul. Our input for music today is what – it seems we are always lugged in – to what kind of music – God glorifying? God edifying?
    Facing our enemies or our Goliaths like David is only a possibility with God’s enablement. With God, all things are possible – even facing our Goliaths for we all have them. David was dressed in man’s power but it wasn’t a fit. God’s power, God’s gifts is all we need. God empowers His own. The battle is the Lord’s. This is God’s world and we are His servants doing His will. How am I in tune with that will just as David was? Who is my driving force, my Enforcer.
    David’s fame grew and again it showed that the outward actions influenced the people – such as the people and Saul. Saul was jealous for he saw David as competition for the people’s praise and following.
    The friendship of David and Jonathan was cemented by GodPower. No greater love does a man have for his brother than by laying down his life for that brother. Jonathan was that kind of ‘brother.’
    Where do I hear the voice of God? Where do I see His presence? God speaks to David using various means whether a prophet, whether food and a sword, the priests of the Lord. Do I see the presence of the Lord through the actions of others? Through the happenings in my life? Do I inquire of God the actions I need to do this day? How do I plan my day today. I need to talk with God always.

    May my strength be in You Lord also this day. Lead me and guide me in the way to go.

    You are my strength
    Strength like no other
    Strength like no other
    Reaches to me
    You are my hope
    Hope like no other
    Hope like no other
    Reaches to me

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