You ask me how I know He lives?

June 26, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27: 62-66
These religious leaders had experience with scheming and conniving, so they could anticipate how others might do it.
Sad isn’t it, that religious leaders are so good at playing the game, working the system, manoeuvering for personal advantage.
Is this any different today?
Resurrection from death was/is so extreme that it would be impossible for them to fake… and why bother, what advantage would there be.
Why lie about something that would only get you killed.

Chuck Colson (worked with Nixon during Watergate, served time in jail) dismissed the conspiracy theory that the disciples faked Jesus’ resurrection.
He knows from experience how quickly fellow conspiracists buckle under pressure to save their own skin, yet all the disciplers were prepared to die for this ‘lie’.
Resurrection is usually rejected because it’s not possible, logically or scientifically.
I sense the Lord asking me why I believe the resurrection?
Good question, maybe someone out there can suggest their reasons…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, because I believe in God, resurrection is possible. But more than that, it answers my deepest cry for hope and life. Thank You for living in me, and that I live in You!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    I don’t believe what He said and yet . . . just in case . . . let’s watch. The guard was placed at the tomb because of the religious leaders request. They were envious of His followers and desired to make sure that they were now in control once again. Their suspicion
    should have drawn them to the word rather than insisting upon their own way.

    When in doubt, find out. Do the research. Look it up. Be open minded. Don’t be closed minded insisting upon my own way. Grow in God. Grow in the knowledge of His power. See the marvelous things He has done and still is doing this day. He is risen. He is alive. He is here! Serve Him his day He has made.

    Help me walk with You Lord, my risen Saviour, this day You have made. Let me see Your presence and Your glory each day with open eyes.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive.

    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia,
    My Jesus is alive forevermore.
    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia
    My Jesus is alive.

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