Do I want to know Jesus like this?

June 18, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27:32-37
I want to be a servant of Jesus, my King, but do I want to join Him if it means helping Him carry His cross?
Jesus called His disciples to join him in cross-carrying (Matthew 16:24).
For Simon this was literal, and tradition says it was for Peter too, but what about for us?
Paul speaks about his passion for knowing Jesus: I want to know Christ better. I want to know the power that raised him from the dead. I want to share in his sufferings. I want to become like him by sharing in his death. Then by God’s grace I will rise from the dead. (Philippians 3:10-11)
Do I want to know Jesus like this?
To follow Jesus is more than accepting forgiveness or salvation, it is joining Jesus in His mission to help others.
I have been rescued from a burning building, will I now join with Jesus in rescuing others, or will I just sing the praises of my Rescuer from the sidelines, letting Him do it by Himself.
But this means sacrifice, this means giving up my own time and hopes and plans and ambitions and comfort and …
What makes Jesus the king of the Universe is His willingness to be the humble, compassionate, life-sacrificing king of the Jews; this is the King who calls me and invites me to love and serve Him, to join Him in His mission.
Do I want to know Jesus like this?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ll be honest, I am not eager to suffer. But that reveals my selfish heart. Help me to focus on You, and the people You love, rather than on me and on what I love. I want to know You better!


  1. A person who believes in Jesus will have no problems in life. If one has faith, they can claim the promises of God, and go through life with wealth, health, and perfect relationships. Today’s story of Jesus’ suffering on the cross show that this kind of thinking doesn’t reflect reality. What the people were mocking him with were true. If Jesus is God, he could indeed change the circumstances of his death. But He didn’t. He took the ridicule, and died a slow painful death.

    Jesus does not promise that we will not go through hard times, in fact, he states that because of Jesus we will be hated and ridiculed. That doesn’t sound like an easy time in life. But Jesus does promise to be with us in our difficult times.

    Jesus died as the king of the Jews. Is he my king as well? I pray that I will take the same things that were said about Jesus on the cross, that He is God, He can save others, God can rescue Him, and turn them into something that is real for me, and points of respect and awe.

  2. Observations:
    This is Jesus crucified and they forced Simon to carry the cross. Jesus’ clothes were divided by lot as was foretold and they kept watch as He died.

    A Jesus follower? Ouch! At times, in the company of other followers, encouraged, together it seems easy. Other times, when going against the flow, standing alone, it is hard. And yet God puts the easy and hard situations before us and tells us to serve Him. He is with us always and we are never alone, whatever the circumstances. Just believe and go forward. He has promised to be with us and He has given His Spirit. I just need to trust and obey and live for Him in all circumstances. Help me Lord to do just that.

    Help me each day Lord to be a Christ follower in all I do and say.

    Standing by a purpose true,
    Heeding God’s command,
    Honor them, the faithful few!
    All hail to Daniel’s band!


    Dare to be a Daniel,
    Dare to stand alone!
    Dare to have a purpose firm!
    Dare to make it known.

    Many mighty men are lost
    Daring not to stand,
    Who for God had been a host
    By joining Daniel’s band.


    Many giants, great and tall,
    Stalking through the land,
    Headlong to the earth would fall,
    If met by Daniel’s band.


    Hold the Gospel banner high!
    On to vict’ry grand!
    Satan and his hosts defy,
    And shout for Daniel’s band.


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