Not Guilty!?

June 12, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27:11-19
“He is not guilty!” – I may be innocent of some crimes, even of many crimes, but I am not innocent of all crimes.
To some extent, I am guilty, no matter how good or moral I have tried to be.
If I were to compare myself to Jesus or Barabbas, I would prefer to see myself like Jesus than Barabbas, a well-known criminal.
But it all depends on how we think of sin, and guilt, and goodness.
With a low view of these things, it’s easy to come off looking good especially when compared to well-known sinners.
But if we see Jesus as a reflection of God’s goodness and morality and holiness, then we may not feel so good about ourselves.
Of Jesus it can be said, ‘He is not guilty’; it cannot be said of Barabbas, it cannot be said of me.
And yet, by becoming like me, and taking my guilt, absorbing the curse and embracing my death penalty, You make it possible for me to be forgiven.
Though I am guilty, by Your grace I am not guilty.
To do so, I (we) have to admit that I am guilty, and need of God’s mercy and help.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, by myself I am guilty, but You are not. You deserve our respect, our submission, our love. Thank You that by Your love and mercy, I can say “I am not guilty!”


  1. Jesus answered the question of Pilot, “are you the king of the Jews” with a yes. But he did not answer any of the accusations of the others. He remained silent. Does this make him look guilty of the accusations? Is declaring himself as King of the Jews a crime? Pilot did what he could to try to release him. He picked a notorious criminal, and suggested that he release either Barabbas, or Jesus. This was like a no brainer. Barabbas was a threat to society, and Jesus was the opposite. He went around healing and making society a better place. But somehow the crowd was in an anti-Jesus mood that day. I wonder about how easy it is to get caught up in the mood of the crowd. Peer pressure doesn’t ever really leave. How is my idea of Jesus molded by my friends? Am I like the crowd, who sang Hosanna one week, and shouted crucify him a few days later. I pray that I can stand steadfastly, and remain loyal to Jesus.

  2. Observations:
    The passage starts with the rhetorical question. They knew the answer. Jesus amazed them because He remained silent throughout it all. As stated in the passage, it was out of self-interest that Jesus was handed over. Even Pilate’s wife had a dream regarding the Christ. It was a warning not listened to.

    God speaks in many different ways but do I have the ears with which to hear or do I also insist upon going my own way? God continues to speak to His people today as He did yesteryear. As it was said then is it also said of me today. . . . . eyes they have but do not see. Ears they have but do not hear. They are a stiff necked people. Where have I seen God today and how have I followed Him in my activities on this day He has created. I need to walk with my risen Saviour always.

    Jesus, let me walk with You all through the day. Lead and guise me along the Way and let me see You always.

    O let me walk with Thee, my God,
    As Enoch walked in days of old;
    Place Thou my trembling hand in Thine,
    And sweet communion with me hold;
    E’en though the path I may not see,
    Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee.

    I cannot, dare not, walk alone;
    The tempest rages in the sky,
    A thousand snares beset my feet,
    A thousand foes are lurking nigh.
    Still Thou the raging of the sea,
    O Master! let me walk with Thee.

    If I may rest my hand in Thine,
    I’ll count the joys of earth but loss,
    And firmly, bravely journey on;
    I’ll bear the banner of the cross
    Till Zion’s glorious gates I see;
    Yet, Savior, let me walk with Thee.

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