A time to speak, a time to be silent

June 4, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26:57-63
“He was beaten down and made to suffer. But he didn’t open his mouth. He was led away like a sheep to be killed. Lambs are silent while their wool is being cut off. In the same way, he didn’t open his mouth. (Isaiah 53:7)
It’s not that Jesus refuses to say anything at all (see Matthew 26:64f), but that He does not vigorously defend Himself.
Jesus does not fight His opponents, plead His cause, demand justice or challenge the lies of His accusers.
Too often I am silent when I should speak, or speak when I should be silent.
“There is a time to be silent. And there’s a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7).
I sense the Lord nudging me to consider when and how I open my mouth, and when I am silent.
I will hold back when I sense there is a risk to myself; and when I am being accused or critiqued, I fight back.
My calling is to be a witness in word and deed to the love and truth of God, it is not to protect or defend myself.
My concern needs to be promoting God’s Name and honour, not protecting my name and honour.
If I am honest, I worry more about how people will react to me… and this leads me to speak when I should be silent (speaking for and serving myself), and to be silent when I should speak (speaking and serving for God).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to speak for You more, and for me less.

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