Selling my soul for pocket change?

May 22, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26:14-16
Judas has a money issue: as treasurer (John 12:6, who would dip into the funds for himself), this waste of costly perfume is the last straw.
Thirty silver coins, think of how happy he would be: buy a field, grow crops, be rich and successful and content for the rest of his life.
What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses or gives up his very self? (Luke 9:25)
From then on Judas watched… his love of money traps his soul, he is now focused on living out his scheme, betraying Jesus.
So it is with all sinful behaviors, they take over your life.
Judas no longer heard what Jesus said, he was preoccupied, enslaved.
What am I selling my soul for, what am I betraying Jesus for?
Money, sex, power, pleasure, possessions, success, fame… what ‘bait’ does Satan use in my life to get my eyes off of Jesus?
Let Judas be an example of how sinful desire can ruin my life, and the life of those around me.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, show me how my selfish desires are hurting me, You and others. Show me the ‘coin’ that I am betraying You for.


  1. I’ve never been willing to give up Jesus, but I have tried to grab the bait and hang on to Jesus. I don’t want to betray Jesus, but the net result is the same, isn’t it? I do the thing I know I shouldn’t, then run back to Jesus afterwards. I love Jesus, it’s just that I love other things too. I feel more like Peter than Judas: I still love Jesus, but that love is weak.

  2. All of us have the potential to be good, and all of us have the potential to not be good. We have an example today of a guy who followed Jesus, was called by Jesus, and supported the cause. He was one who went out as part of the two by two, and performed miracles, and reported back to Jesus. He saw Jesus feeding 5000 with only a small lunch. He saw him raise people from the dead. He was part of the few who could feel the energy of the crowds, and knew of the awesomeness of the kingdom that Jesus talked about. But he was tempted. He made a move to hand Jesus over to the religious leaders. I wonder if he knew what might happen? Maybe he thought that Jesus would miraculously be freed from the religious leaders. I think that he was saddened, frightened, and sorrowful at the turn of events that he helped put into play.

    I need to be ever vigilant in walking with Jesus today. I see the kingdom work that is being done, and I am a part of it. I see people caring for others, people showing up to help those in need, and miracles being done in the name of Jesus. Is this enough? I pray that I can be a light in the kingdom without giving in to temptation to give up my faith or that which might make me less effective for Jesus.

  3. Observations:
    Judas, one of the 12, betrays Jesus. He was in charge of the monies for the disciples and for the increase of that money, he looked to betray Jesus who was not his Master. All was not for Jesus but the temporary riches of the day.

    What drives my life? And when I look back, the emphasis on various aspects have changed over time. Things are no longer important to collect. The focus is much more on what can I do as His? God has opened my eyes but I still need His presence by His Spirit to keep those eyes turned toward home.
    Why am I here?
    I must be here to serve my King.

    May my prayer each day be = Lord help me in my walk with You. Lead me and guide me. Always.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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