Staring into the clouds?

May 7, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:26-31
In times of crisis (in the near future, 70AD, and throughout history), people will claim the Messiah has come.
Jesus explains that when the Messiah comes again, everyone will know it, visible from east to west (like lightning).
The Messiah will return when all hell breaks lose, He will appear in the sky at the last moment.
(Makes me think of when Gandalf appears at Helm’s Deep with his armies, just when the defenders give up hope).
Look! He is coming with the clouds! Every eye will see him. (Revelation 1:7)
Jesus is telling His followers not to be distracted by false claims of His return; when He comes, we will know it.
Keep doing what God calls us to do till the end, even when it seems all hell is breaking lose.
Let nothing distract or discourage us from doing His kingdom work, it won’t be easy but He will show up in the end.
This needs to be my focus – stop trying to figure out WHEN, and keep doing WHAT He called and saved me to do.
This is how I help God’s kingdom to come, not by watching the clouds (Acts 1:10-11), but by doing His work!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to not to stare into the clouds, but to keep my focus on kingdom service – loving and serving and blessing in Your Name – even when all hell breaks lose. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

One Comment

  1. It is easy for me to be influenced by the fad of the day. I wonder how I will react to the news that Jesus says is coming when someone will state that Jesus has returned, and can perform miracles and wonders to back up their story. It all sounds very convincing. But Jesus said that this is not how his return will happen. We can expect these sorts of stories, with people saying, look here, or he is over there, however, when we see cosmic signs, problems with our solar system, and terrible persecution of everyone, then the return of Jesus is imminent. Also, the sign of Jesus will be seen worldwide. He will come on the clouds in glory and power. At this time his elect will be gathered.

    I do not have all this figured out. I believe that it will happen, but I do not understand the details of what it will all look like. I have not figured out the order of events, as some people tend to do. I tend to look at the mission of what God has called me to do while I am here, and to do that. I am interested in Biblical prophecy surrounding the end times, but I look at each description of what will happen as a potential future.

    I wonder what the verse “Wherever there is a carcass, the vultures will gather” means in the context of these verses. Perhaps it is exactly the vultures gathering around the bits of future information, creating their versions of prophetic truth.

    I pray that I will be ready for that day, and that I can continue to take care of today.

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