How does Jesus see me?

April 25, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 23:23-28
The key line here is ”But you have not practiced the more important things of the law, like fairness, mercy and faithfulness.” Jesus is challenging them for focusing on the laws rather than on the intent of the laws.
Powerful imagery, straining the gnat and swallowing the camel, cleaning the outside of the cup, tombs painted white!
This is one of two references to the tithe in the NT. Jesus is not saying that this law still stands (without failing to do the first?), but that as Jews under the law of Moses they should have obeyed both. The other reference to the tithe is descriptive, telling how Abraham have a tenth two Melchizedek (Hebrews 7). The tithe may be a helpful practice, but it is not part of the new covenant!
The whole point, practice the more important things of the law, like fairness, mercy and faithfulness.
What do you notice in this passage?
The way the religious leaders treated the law makes me think of when our kids were young and we lived on a busy street. We drew a chalk line as a boundary, but one of them walk walked around the line on the grass to get around it without crossing it.
How to get around the law without breaking it.
They didn’t technically kill people, but were constantly destroying lives.
Where am I guilty of this?
Giving just enough to ease my conscience, but not being generous. Avoiding people and issues rather than seeking healing or reconciliation? Being honest with others about little sins to appear humble, but not being honest about what is really going on inside of me. Being vague to avoid being deceptive, but not being fully truthful. Being critical of others for things that are easy and clear to me, but making excuses for myself for things that I find difficult?
I sense the Lord challenging me on where I am critical on others, exposing areas of pride or denial.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know my cup is dirty on the inside. My pretending doesn’t get rid of it, only masks it. But You see, You know. Open my eyes that I may see myself as You see me.

One Comment

  1. Today’s talk to the Pharisee’s and teachers of the law cause me to look inward, to see if there is anything in me that would qualify. And of course there is. It is natural for me to try to look a certain way for others to see. If I invite you over to my house, I will clean up the place, and clean up myself and comb my hair. So even in this simple way, you see me when I am at my best, and perhaps not when I am at my normal. Jesus is saying to clean up your internal life, the life that doesn’t necessarily show to others. He suggests that this hidden life may well spill out anyway for others to see. I notice that Jesus says to pay attention to things that are important, like justice, mercy and faithfulness. Don’t neglect the letter of the law, but pay attention to things that matter, things that make a difference. I think that Jesus is saying, “just look around and make a difference where you can.” Instead of worrying how others will look at me, I need to look for opportunities to make a difference.

    And of hypocrisy, what am I portraying outwardly, that I have no intention of being when all is quiet, and I am alone. Do I live my life the way I do because I have always done so? Do I really believe everything that I say? Do I do things, and get involved because of peer pressure? These are tough questions for me. Some days, I think it would be easier not to be involved at all, so I can just sit on the couch and watch TV. Some days I would love to not have to go back to work so I would not need to relate to other people. I hope I never win the lottery, because if I did not need to go to work, or interact with others, I could easily imagine myself as a lonely old miserable person with no hope in life.

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