Boldness blessed?

April 4, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:18-22
Was Jesus being selfish here? Isn’t this reaction harsh? Is this action symbolic, meant as a sign – symbolizing God’s frustration with His people (often described in the OT as a fig tree)? Was Jesus’ showing how far this present world falls short from God’s new creation (Revelation 22:1-3) where trees will bear fruit year round and bring healing and life to all people?
Jesus suggests that the power of His prayer is something we all have. How are we to take this? In this world where the curse continues to affect the created order, do we have the power to alter trees (or plants or storms or fish or loaves of bread)?
We need to remember that what Jesus says and does always fits within His mission and purpose. The same is true for us. Whatever we say and do for the same of the mission will have a powerful effect. It is not a blanket statement that guarantees whatever we say and do. Rather, as God’s representatives, we can be assured that God will back us and our actions, and give them huge, miraculous results.
What do you notice in this passage?
Do we believe this, do we act like this? Do qr have a boldness for the mission, trusting that God will back us with His power?
I remember hearing of a missionary going to a village in the midday of a serious drought, challenging the shamans techniques to bring rain (which amounted to fear tactics designed to get the people to give him wealth and pleasure to appease the rain goods and bring reason). He promised in Jesus’ name that reason would come the next day if He was God… and it rained the next day. Wow, that’s guts. I would be afraid to make a promise, and then it wouldn’t rain. Maybe my lack of faith in Good and boldness for the kingdom mission prevents me from seeing God’s miracles.
This month we restarted our KidZone program, and prayed for kids to come. We had 15 kids (more than we’ve ever had at this school)! Boldness blessed?
If you believe, you will receive what you ask for when you pray.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, give me a vision for Your kingdom purpose, and help me to be more believing and more bold for You and the kingdom mission.


  1. Faith

    Jesus was heading back into Jerusalem, and showed his disciples a sign of what he could do. He told a tree that it would never bear fruit, and the tree immediately withered. It is easy for us to question the why of this story, but Jesus uses this as a teaching point with his followers. He tells them that if you have faith, and do not doubt, you can move mountains.

    So what is this faith? Is this just believing in something and not doubting? I often have reality coming in the way of a miracle. I may desperately wish for a miracle, a healing etc. but faith seems elusive to me. I pray for faith, as well as for my unbelief. I may start out trusting in God, like Peter getting out of the boat, but then I realize that my circumstances are hopeless, and I go back to my logical thinking, and the power of God is rationalized away.

    This passage ends with two words that seem to put a different spin on this story. I don’t think God wants me to go around killing trees, and moving mountains willy nilly, but rather to trust in Him. If I believe, I will receive whatever I ask for “in prayer” This is another reason to improve my prayer life. It is important, and seems to be the conduit to answers from God.

    I pray that God will increase my faith. I pray for God’s protection and health for me and my family. I pray for a blessing on those that I contact and communicate with today.

  2. Observations:
    The fig tree was leafy but had no fruit. It didn’t even have the visible signs of fruit and yet the purpose of a tree is to bear fruit. It withered and died.

    As the tree is to bear fruit, so His people are to bear fruitHe had just cleared the temple of the money changers – no tearing the fruit. Outwardly, it looks great. Great from a distance but inwardly the religious leaders, the tree did no bear the fruit of the Spirit or figs. We are all created for a purpose and that must be to be fruit bearers of the kingdom of God. If not – then we too are dead in our sins and trespasses – no part of the Kingdom.

    All of the children of the King should make sure they are not barren but are fruitbearers for the King of kings living and doing what the Gardener expects of His ‘plants.’ Produce fruit.

    And they will know we are His by our love – by our fruit.

    Help me this day Lord to do Your will and may others see You in me in all I do and say. May they know that I am who I am by Your love living in me and through me.

    The Fruit of the Spirit’s not an *apple,
    The Fruit of the Spirit’s not an apple.
    If you want to be an apple, you might as well hear it,
    You can’t be a Fruit of the Spirit.

    The Fruit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

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