May I sit at Your feet!

March 27, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 20:20-23
Mom just wants the best for her boys. She does not understand life in God’s kingdom. She imagines it is like Caesar’s palace, where the close associates of Caesar get all the advantages.
Did they put Mom up to this, did they think Jesus could not refuse a sweet old lady?
We know that James and John (the sons of Zebedee) were especially close to Jesus, along with Peter. Maybe this was her/their way of getting the jump on big-mouth, show-off Peter.
What stands out to me here is how they do not realize what they are seeking, that the power and position they desire will eventually kill them.
This is true in two ways: (1) the drive for worldly power actually ruins lives, even those that make it to the top, and (2) the path of spiritual power leads to humility, self-denial and hardship in the world.
Both James and John discover the truth of this second point.
Are there actually people sitting on the left and right, has God actually appointed someone to rule that close to Jesus? I suspect that if so, then in God’s kingdom it is the lowest servants in this world who end up in those highest positions.
What do you notice in this passage?
Whether seeking power or position in this world, or humbly following Jesus, either path leads to hardship and suffering.
The difference is that one is for a good reason, the other for selfish. In the survival of the fittest world, we all eventually get eaten; but in God’s kingdom though for a time we experience hardship, we do eventually overcome.
I do not envy those who rise to the top in this world (OK, maybe just a little), their lives become complicated, messy and open to critique and ridicule (just hearing more stories about Justin Bieber in the news).
Even successful Christians face extreme scrutiny and pressure, and many lose their focus in that.
There are times when I want more acclaim or appreciation for what I do, though for the most part I am content to serve at the local, hidden level.
I do not want to drink the cup of suffering, but I do want to serve Jesus, I do want to help people find God and Jesus.
Not church, not religion, not morality – those will all be by-products, not the goal, which is Jesus and His kingdom.
The question is not “what position do I want” nor “what price am I willing to pay” but “will I love and serve Jesus?”
The goal is neither success nor suffering but service… leaving the results to God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want the same level of desire as James and John, not for worldly power but for loving and serving You. May I sit at Your feet, not Your left or right!


  1. Not my job. Jesus mentions today that it is not up to him to decide who sits next to him in the coming kingdom. Just as when I am at work, some decisions I can make, but others are made by different departments, and different levels of management, so it appears at the organization called heaven. I am not sure how much sitting there will be, but I am sure there will be times of sitting. Based on other stories that Jesus has provided, it would be very surprising if we even knew the people who will be sitting next to Jesus. We hear a lot of “the first will be last” type of talk, which means that a person that in our terms is not worthy of the position will probably be the one. Mt 19:30, Mt 20:16 etc.

    You would think that James and John would at least have a chance at this. In business, it is usually not what you know but who you know. These guys, along with the twelve certainly had a chance to ask questions like this first hand. This was asking for a position of power. Along with the hint that the 12 disciples would rule over the 12 tribes of Israel, there is always a special power to being the right hand man of the guy in charge.

    I am not sure how this relates to me, other than perhaps I need to be thankful for whatever position I find myself in. I also need to be satisfied with what God provides, and I need to work hard for any organization I find myself in (heavenly kingdom, my work, my family, my church).

  2. Observations:
    The mother came to Jesus to ask for a special place in the Kingdom. She came to the Teacher for her sons showing that she was a follower and desired the best for her kids. To sit at the right and the left in the kingdom were the highest places of honor but it showed her faith in Christ of what was going to happen.
    Jesus’s response showed what was to happen to Him shortly but also to His followers, but to give places in the kingdom is only something God can do.

    Once again we need to bring our kids to Christ – kids of the kingdom – that’s what we are. And leave the rest up to God. But as people of the kingdom, we also will suffer persecution. The response was positive of the followers. All for Jesus. Although they don’t know the future happenings they can be His champions.


    Make me a champion this day Lord serving in Your Kingdom. I am a Christ follower and that’s what I need be. The rest I need to leave up to You.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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