A love that overflows

March 20, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 19:16-24
This guy seems sincere, though pretty self-confident (“I have obeyed all those commandments”).
Jesus seems to be digging deeper into this guys soul (“Why do you ask me about what is good”), and then probes his deep pride and greed with “If you want to be perfect…”.
Why give the money to the poor? Jesus is showing us that God’s heart is not for people to be religious (following the rules) but to be compassionate, merciful, generous, like God (the real point or purpose of the rules).
Treasure in heaven? Jesus is offering an eternal, spiritual reward, not a monetary one. The treasure of seeing the impact of our love and generosity in those who received it. “What is our hope? What is our joy? When our Lord Jesus returns, what is the crown we will delight in? Isn’t it you? Yes, you are our glory and our joy.” (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)
Why is it so hard for the rich to join in on God’s better world of love, kindness, generosity, compassion? Because the pleasure and security of wealth now often makes us blind to our own deeper needs, and the needs of others.
What do you notice in this passage?
Wealthy Christians usually seem more interested in technical obedience (how much is enough) than radical obedience (its never enough). A life motivated by love of others will not settle for just enough to be saved.
We give, we serve, we share, we forgive, etc, because we love, not because we have to our somehow earn enough brownie points with God.
Hearts warmed by God’s generosity will be warmed to the needs of others.
My struggle right now is that I am overwhelmed by the need, and despair. There is so much need, so much brokenness, poverty, misery, sadness…
Then I am reminded that this mountain is movable with God’s help; I don’t need to fix it myself, just do what I can and leave the rest to God.
I am loved, I am forgiven, I am saved, there is nothing I need to do, just accept it! And share the blessing with others!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for Your generous love and blessing. Please inspire me with the same love and generosity towards those in need around me.


  1. How does one bring your attention to something when you are reading it? You put it in bold, maybe a little bigger print, perhaps underline it. How about when you are talking? A little bit louder, and maybe tell your audience to listen especially well for the next sentence, and then repeat the sentence to make sure they don’t miss it. This is what is happening in verse 23,24. Jesus starts by trying to get your attention with “I tell you the truth”. He then makes his statement, and for good measure repeats it, providing a metaphor to emphasize his point.

    So this must be important. What is he saying? It is hard for a person who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. This young man was really trying to do everything right. He knew the law, and I think that he figured that he was perfect in following the law. But where was his heart? What were his thought about the poor? How was he using his wealth?

    These verses hit close to home. I have never gone hungry, gone without food, and have anything that I could possibly dream of. I have a hard time coming up with new stuff to add to my birthday list. So what do these verses say? Sell stuff, give to the poor, and follow Jesus. Why is it so hard to do this? Why do I and the culture that I grew up in spend so much effort is saving for the future, and providing for our family? Is it because we fear the alternative? Seeing people without the necessities of life scares me. What if….. I don’t even want to think about it.

    Yet all that I have is a gift. I pray that I can provide for others when I see a need. I pray that I can distinguish real needs from those that are not. I pray that God will provide me with the grace to share that which he has given to me. Let me be His hands and His feet.

  2. Observations:
    There is only One who is good. The word good has lost its meaning today.

    Keep the commandments not only with the words you say but also with the actions you do. Nothing may get in the way of serving Christ. All for Christ or none at all. TGIF -Today God Is First as He is every day. The rich man needed o put God before His possessions which he didn’t.

    Anyone can be saved if they but put their faith in God. He must be first. The impossible is the impossible yet all is possible with God. Just think of some of the rich serving the Lord – Job, Joseph of A and . . . God must be the ruler of our lives – my life. God is in charge of my possessions .Do I save for retirement according to the business world seers? I must follow Jesus with my all in all ALL the time. He is my Treasure. He is my Riches. He is my Happiness. All I have is for serving Him.

    Help my this day to serve You with singleness of mind and heart. In Christ alone I stand and may all I do say that. lead me and guide me Lord in Your Way.

    Peter and John went to pray.
    they met a lame man on the way
    He asked for alms and held out his palms,
    and this is what Peter did say”
    Silver and gold have I none,
    but such as I have give I you.
    In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, in Jesus’ name rise up and walk.
    The man went walking and leaping and praising God,
    Walking and leaping and praising God,
    “In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, In Jesus’ name rise up and walk”.

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