open wide the gates of my heart!

March 10, 2013
1. God owns everything, everyone, everywhere, all the time; He made it, and He owns it.
2. For OT Israel, the temple mount represented God’s presence among them. The question can be simplified to: who may stand before God, in His presence?
3. David lists the qualifications: clean hands, pure heart, not worshiping other gods or idols. On the one hand, no one qualifies, but David is referring to the inclination and intention of the heart, not it’s perfection.
4. The person who sincerely, humbly seeks God, admitting their unclean hands and heart, eager for mercy and help, are assured that God will justify them, vindicate them, bless them (Luke 18:9-14).
5. David envisions the city gates swinging open wide, and God – like a triumphant warrior – entering the city. The city celebrates flags waving and people screaming, rejoicing in their mighty King! David himself had experienced this kind of homecoming (1 Samuel 18:7-8), but unlike Saul he was glad to share the glory, to give the glory to God.
What do you notice in this passage?
I am mot worthy, my hands and heart are not clean. I do not worship other gods or idols, but I do give my heart to many things, and treat them as if they were in God’s place.
Do I recognize God for His glory (awesome power) and grace (awesome mercy)? Do I humbly admit my sin, my need for His mercy and help, or do I strut into His presence as if I deserve to be there, as if I am worthy of His attention?
I do not live in Jerusalem, but the gates that ought to be swinging wide, and the sounds of celebration ought to be heard from the gates of my heart.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, as I reflect on Your awesome glory and grace, my heart quivers. I am not worthy to invite You in, yet You want to come in. I open my heart to You, I welcome You with joy and celebration!

One Comment

  1. Observation:
    Our world, my world belongs to God.
    Only those with a clean hands and heart can be part of the world. And in order to have a clean heart, one needs Christ Jesus. Him I seek.
    He must come in. The Lord God almighty must be the Ruler of my life.

    Knowing that the world belongs to God I need to open my heart to receive. As Christ entered Jerusalem so too He needs to enter my Heart an be my King of kings! The King of glory must reside there so as I live each day, I live is as the Lord’s day.

    You Lord are my King, the Lord God Almighty living in the castle of my heart.

    Let the flag fly high
    on the castle of my heart,
    on the castle of my heart,
    on the castle of my heart.
    Let the flag fly high
    on the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

    Joy is the flag flown high
    on the castle of my heart,
    on the castle of my heart,
    on the castle of my heart.
    Joy is the flag flown high
    on the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

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