One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The scene reminds me of Moses and God. Moses’ face was shining – radiant – that it needed covering before the people. God’s awesome presence. And here we have Christ’s awesome presence – as He really is. Light of light. Very God of God. What we proclaim in our creed. And He was with Elijah and Moses – the law and the prophets – the fulfillment of them.
    Peter want to build permanent dwellings there to worship – three – but God spoke and told all who were present to listen to Christ. God was pleased with His Son.
    God spoke and ‘we all fall down.’ And we all cry Holy. Holy. Holy is the Lord God almighty. And Christ is our veil so that we can be in His presence.

    Once again, Jesus goes apart from the daily grind to spend time with the Father. And spending time in His presence changes the person – to be more like Him. And the time spent with the Father also renews the energy for service. We need to get up and go. We can not stay away from the hustle and bustle but renewed, touched for service, listening to the voice saying ‘Come follow me.’ Equipped for service. ‘Enlightened.’ GodPower. SpiritLead. GodStrong.

    Thank You Lord that I am always in Your presence. Thank You for the time spent together this morning to renew, re-energiz, refocus, redirect my vision so that all I do is for Your Kingdom. Help me to see You this day as I work in Your ‘garden.’ All for Jesus.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
    to shine for Him each day.
    In every moment.
    at home at work at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

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