One hell of a detour

February 21, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:13-20
Caesarea Philippi probably means nothing to you, but doing some research you discover it is a well-known sacred worship space. In a large rock wall at the foot of Mount Hermon is a large, deep cave where a strong underground river arises to feed into the Jordan River. There is a temple there dedicated to Caesar Augustus (known as the divi filius, son of the divine), and people gathered here to make sacrifices to the gods (mainly Pan, so this area is called Panaes), a god of fertility, pleasure and war (nice combo). The mouth of this cave was known as the gates of Hades, since it was thought the waters bubbled up from the underworld.
Why does Jesus’ take His disciples on this 25 mile detour, then ask them to answer the question who am I? Notice the significance of Jesus’ as the Son of the living God, in light of Caesar Augustus’ name. And the rock, could it be that Jesus means He will build His church on top of this rocky wall, that is in unholy, unclean places (according to the Jews) among the Gentiles? And death (Hades represents the grave) will not defeat His people, because He will defeat death!
What do you notice in this passage?
Jesus is very intentional about showing His disciples that He is for the world, not just the Jews. He takes them to a den of iniquity (the symbol for the god Pan was a phallus, and sexual fertility rites were party of his worship), where Caesar has a temple, and says here is where I want you to be, and nothing will defeat you!
This is not a defensive posture or place, this is a missional call to action, a call to stand up to the world with love, grace, mercy.
We may suffer, we may die (like Jesus!), but we will not be defeated.
Do not let the powers of this world (Caesar, divi filius) cause you topanic (derived from Pan, god of war), do not fear death (gates of Hades), because Jesus will establish His kingdom community, and nothing and no one will defeat them. The keys refer to the guaranteed victory, that heaven stands behind us when we stand with Jesus.
This is not a call to worldly pride or warfare, but to confidence as we live like Jesus, with kingdom love, grace, truth and peace!
I am encouraged as we work with Jesus to build His church in Falby Court through kingdom acts of kindness… we have the Christ, the Son of the Living God behind us!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for this boost, this renewed call to be Your confident missionary people in the world, among powers and pleasures.

One Comment

  1. I wonder how much theological training that Peter and the other disciples had. I wonder if as he was growing up if they discussed the promised one who was to come to save his people. Or was this more a topic that the church people discussed. I wonder if the disciples were the type of people to even attend the synagogue on the Sabbath? Or did they only attend because Jesus tended to go. And yet, on the discussion that Jesus initiated about where he fits into the grand scheme of things, Simon Peter declares that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ. The phrase “the Christ” would have meant something to the Jewish people, who were looking for this person.

    Our theology needs to look ahead for something. Just as the Jews were looking for the Christ, we are looking for his return. It is like we need to have this forward looking event to make sense of our lives, and the events that go on in history. Without a future looking glorious event, we lose hope and wonder what the meaning is in our lives. Did Jesus live up to the expectations of the Jewish nation? Did his life, teaching, and death make sense to them? Peter understood that this was the Christ, but others missed the point all together.

    I do not really understand all that is involved in Jesus response to Peter, and the implications that this has. Are the things he says meant for Peter alone? Or are these promises made to all Christians? I hear people stating that we can bind things on earth and heaven, or loose things on earth and heaven. I am not sure what binding or loosing in heaven looks like. I am also not sure what is meant by Peter having the keys of the kingdom of heaven. I guess this is why there are so many pearly gates stories with Peter deciding who gets in.

    I just read Norm’s comments this morning. Thank you Norm, for a clear way of looking at all the parts that confused me. I have never heard these verses brought out with such clarity.

    I pray that I can live for the kingdom of God here and now, and not be so forward looking that I miss the journey. I pray that I can fully understand what it means that Jesus is the Christ, and how I can best be part of his team, of his kingdom.

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