God, I leave this to You!

January 20, 2013
David is not suggesting that he is sinless, but in the situation he is facing – being falsely accused and cruelly abused – he is claiming innocence. He does not deserve this treatment, he has always tried to be an honest, fair and kind person (hmm, he must have written this before the situation with Uriah and Bathsheba).
It must be quite serious, because at the end he wishes that his abusers would have a taste of their own medicine, and that their kids would too. This is a curse against people who are cursing him.
He is being honest with God, pleading for God’s help. I have done this too, shared my hurt and anger against people that were treating me unfairly, accusing me of things I would never think to do.
He is trusting God for help, he is not (at least that we know of) resorting to his own sly schemes to make his enemies and their children suffer. He is not seeking revenge himself, but leaving it to God (and pleading that God would do it).
What do you notice in this passage?
Most people feel that they are justified in what they do, most people feel that for the most part they are sincere and good and doing the best they can. This doesn’t mean that we’re innocent, only that we mean well (most of the time). Granted, there are bad people out there too, who are careless and cruel, and do not think of others.
I am not under attack right now, I am not being unfairly accused. Some people question my approach to ministry, but it has not become negative (some have left the church because of it, but we are still on good speaking terms).
What I take from this is that I can be honest with God about my struggles and emotions and fears, etc., but that I need to leave the results to God, and not try to ‘get back’ at people myself, to scheme against them for my own advantage.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, my life is in Your hands. Help me not to wallow in bitterness or fear, but to trust You, to entrust myself and my enemies (if I have any) to You and Your justice and mercy. I want to stay innocent in how I treat others, but I need Your help.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The Psalmist is calling on God once again. In His difficulty he comes to the Lord knowing that he has walked according to God’s Word. God is his Refuge and and Protector. God only is his source of power. Only the Lord can deliver him from his enemies.
    The enemies have hardened hearts and strive for the things of this world. They live for today and their waywardness is visited upon generations after them. Their god is in their belly. The Psalmist flees to his God and his enemies try to flee from God.
    The journey is not for today but for the tomorrows until we arrive at our destination – to live with Him forever.

    All of my life, I must serve the living God, my Refuge and Protector. He is the wind beneath my wings and makes me soar like the eagle. I must walk in His SonShine each and every day remembering that this is the day that the Lord has made and He will make me glad. In my joys and in my sorrows – the good times and the bad times – I am always in the palm of His hand and that’s comfort. And so also today, I continue my journey in His SonShine until I reach my destination – living not only in His presence – which is also today – but also seeing Him face to face. Until then, each day I need to take it all to the Lord in prayer.

    Lead me and guide me Lord in the way I should go. Open my ears so that I hear Your voice always saying – This is the Way. Walk in it. Walking always in Your SonShine.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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