what really matters to God

January 3, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12:1-8
The Jewish Bible (what Christians call the Old Testament) is filled with religious symbols and rituals, and several of them are mentioned here: the Sabbath Day, the Law of Moses, the house of God/temple, the consecrated bread, and the priests. In addition David, the prototype of the coming Messiah (the Son of David) is also mentioned. In this scene Jesus both demonstrates the true meaning of these symbols and rituals, and shows how He (as the Messiah) fulfills them.
The laws were not given to stifle life but to protect life. The religious leaders had missed the point of the Law, thinking that keeping the rules was all what God wanted. But the Law was designed to care for and protect the needy (mercy): the Sabbath protected workers from being overworked, the consecrated bread revealed how God provides daily bread for His people, the priests and the temple serve as a bridge connecting people to God, and God to the people.
What matters to God is not religious symbols and rituals, but concern for the needy, compassion for the hurting, mercy for the desperate and guilty. Jesus comes to show us what matters to God; He is God’s Messiah, the Son of David, who represents fully and perfectly what the Law only imperfectly revealed. “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by (religious symbols and rituals). These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” (Colossians 2:16-17)
What do you notice in this passage?
Going to church, reading the bible, celebrating religious holidays, praying, etc, these are helpful tools that direct us to what really matters, but by themselves they are nothing. I can do all of these things perfectly, but if I do not have love (or mercy), they are empty sacrifices, hollow symbols (see 1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
Do I care for the needy, help the oppressed, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, protect the innocent, visit the lonely? This is what God is looking for, and the basis of judgment on the last day (Matthew 25:31-46). This is what true religion is (James 1:27).
If I am going to live 2013 with Jesus, I need to live it like He did. I need to make it my daily commitment to look for the opportunities to bless someone in need (like the lady whose keys were locked in the car). Today is the day that God has given me to live with and for and like Him. Today I choose to focus on what really matters to God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, You desire mercy (love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, patience, humility), not sacrifice (religion, ritual, technical obedience). Inflame my heart with this desire!

One Comment

  1. January-3-13


    What do I think of the Sabbath? What does society do with this day? This certainly seems to be a moving target. It is easy to get caught up, like the Pharisees, in rules and regulations regarding this day. The other extreme is to entirely ignore the Sabbath as a special day. When the commandment was given, a lot of explanation was given. This is the longest of the commandments. So it must be important.

    I was semi watching a show last night in which a couple were living in Switzerland, and they moved from the US, and were surprised that the country closed down on Sunday. This is what it was like when I was growing up as well. There certainly was no shopping on Sunday. We could do all that stuff any other day. But as society changes, it is easy to change with it. After all, society has changed from keeping Saturday, the seventh day, holy, and made the first day holy. There are still some who keep Saturday as their Sabbath.

    So what do I do with this? Is this something to be concerned with? Do I revere this special day? Jesus says in these verses that he desires mercy, not sacrifice. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. He is greater than the temple. I think it is important to celebrate the feasts, and remember the Sabbath. But we don’t even celebrate the feasts that are instructed to us. Our culture, and me along with it, has forgotten these practices. Easter for me has taken the place of Passover, and Christmas is important to celebrate Jesus birth. I think I need to make an effort to make a seventh day (Sunday for me) a hallowed and special day.

    I pray that I can find ways to keep God’s holy days and he wants. I pray also that I can be merciful, and not spend all my efforts on the sacrifice of ritual.

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