“this year with Jesus!”

January 2, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 11:25-30
God seems to prefer the weak over the strong. He chooses to reveal Himself to little children (not the wise). He chooses to reveal Himself through a nobody from Nazareth, a weak leader that is eventually crucified. He chooses to help people who admit that they are weary and burdened.
The message of Jesus is that God is willing and able to help us, if we are willing to admit our need for it. Jesus is God’s provided helper, and from Him we receive the Spirit of God to break free from our weakness.
If I try to carry life by myself, the load is too heavy and I quickly become ‘weary and burdened’. But if I admit my inability (ie become weak and helpless like a child), and look to Jesus for help, He will help me. He will yoke Himself to me and help me to live the otherwise impossible life He created (and saved) me to live. By myself, life is hopeless; with Him, nothing is impossible!
What do you notice in this passage?
Yesterday I spoke of making changes in my life (repenting and resolving for the new year). My track record shows me I will fail if I try to do it by myself… I am to weak. But God is willing to help me, and Jesus is the One who will help me.
Jesus says ‘come to Me’, ‘take my yoke’ and ‘learn from Me’. The only way I know to do this is to pray, to spend time talking with Him through the daily details of my life, to admit when my natural attitudes and behaviours are so different from His, and to attempt (with His help) to think and act like He would.
My resolution, and my motto, for the year will be: this year with Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, enough talk. This year with You, this year for You! Please help me carry this load, and to experience Your gentleness and grace when I fail.


  1. Observations:
    The wise and the learned do not see and yet the children do see.
    The only way to know the Father is through the Son.
    The only way to obtain rest is in the Lord. He will take our burdens and hive us rest.

    Little children believe and trust without doubt. I must do the same. Just believe. And that belief is all for for Jesus, There is no other way but to live for Jesus in all I do and say. As a child obeys his parents, so I too must obey my Father.
    As little children try to walk in their father’s footsteps = to be like him – so I must try to walk in His footsteps to be more like Jesus. WWJD. He is my Father and will take care of me just like my father took care and taught me. Thank You Lord for showing the Way once again how I am to walk each day in the New Year.

    Help me in my walk with You each day. May I always put my hand in Yours so that you continue to lead and guide me each day.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.


    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

  2. Hidden and revealed.

    The things of God are hidden from the wise, and are revealed to those he chooses. People we would not expect to have things revealed to, like small children. Why does God not reveal himself to all? Sometimes God seems far away, and it would be nice to feel close to Him. Sometimes we don’t care, and get all self-absorbed into our own lives, and our relationship with Jesus suffers.

    How does one get to know God? He decides to whom he will reveal himself and the Father. Depending on how you read this, this could either be a comfort, taking away the responsibility of getting to know God, or could stress one out even more, wondering if God had chosen or rejected them. I believe that God wants all to come to him. But these verses state that he has chosen to keep the things of God hidden for some.

    Then we get the often quoted, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened”. No matter how many times I read this, it is great to hear the promise – and I will give you rest, and you will find rest for your souls. This invitation to come to Jesus, and the rest he provides is one of the great promises of the Bible. Especially for us high stress people. He and I will work together in His kingdom

    I pray that I can experience the rest of my soul that is promised. I pray that as we start a new year, that Jesus will continue to reveal himself to me, and that I will follow him, and know what his easy burden and light yoke are.

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