heeding, not hiding from the truth

December 31, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 11:7-19
Has anyone ever tried to challenge you on something? How did you react? I know for me, my gut level reaction is, who do you think you are, how dare you accuse me. We find reasons to dismiss, deny our ignore what they say. This is what people did with John the Baptist when he challenged them. And now they are doing the same with Jesus. They dismissed John because he was too fanatic (he fasted), and they dismissed Jesus because He was too worldly (He didn’t fast).

In the end wisdom and truth speak for themselves. If what people say about you is true, then you cannot escape it by denying it. Whether people heed John the Baptist or Jesus, what they say matters.
We need to listen carefully to what Jesus says (by reading and praying the Gospels), we also need to listen to what others say (like John the Baptist, a pastor, a friend, a teacher, etc.), whether we like it or not. Even if we don’t agree with everything they say, we need to deal with whatever is true.
What do you notice in this passage?
Where am I being challenged, where is my pride or defensiveness kicking on, making excuses rather than listening and learning and admitting and changing?
Reading the Bible, attending a discussion group, hearing a sermon, none of these things matter if we don’t actually do something with it. Whatever is wise, whatever is true, that is what I need to deal with.
If wisdom is proven right by her actions, the way for me to be wise is to act or react in an open, honest, humble and teachable way when I hear words that challenge me.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not to make excuses for not listening to You. Help me be humble, honest and teachable.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The people went out to hear. John was great and told the Good News. But once again I read the lines ‘ whoever has ears, let them ear.’ The people did not respond either to the music for the dance or the mournful song of death. Lukewarm. Not one or the other. Ugh!

    The last words of this text says it all – ‘wisdom is proven right by her deeds.’ Words and deeds must go hand in hand.
    To love is to know is to do. Knowing is doing. Listening is doing. May others see that I am who I am be following His will for my life.
    And as I contemplate what He has in store for me after this school year, may I have open ears and ears to hear Him saying, ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’

    Open my ears Lord that I hear Your voice. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You. Lead me daily in the path that I must travel

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)

    The right word to say,
    the best move to make
    Who’s in need of a helping hand
    For Your perfect ways are worthy of praise
    I delight just to do Your plan

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat to beginning)

    Help me to know Your will

    Help me to know Your will

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