surprise, there is a God!

December 30, 2012
Imagine if you could do whatever you wanted, without fear of consequences or punishment. You could take what you wanted, do what you pleased, without retribution? Imagine being in a position of power without accountability. Throughout history people have had this power, and have abused it, and abused people. They acted as if there was no God, no judgment. David says they are fools. Their day will come. God sees, God knows, God warns, God waits. But a day of punishment will come.
This psalm offers hope to the rape victims of India, their abusers will face God. It offers hope to the innocent victims of bomb blasts – whether Syrian or Palestinian or Israeli. But it is also a reminder for us that we too will stand before God one day (whether we believe in Him or not), and have to give an account of our lives. And not just the good parts.
It is foolish to think that there is no justice. For a time people who think or act like this will seem to get away with it, but God will frustrate their plans, in time their little kingdoms will come crashing down.
Thankfully, not only is there justice, and a God of justice, there is also mercy, and a God of mercy. There is compassion, there is hope. For all who admit their need for it. This psalm offers a general observation about all people, to some extent we have all become fools like this. To some extent we will all be accountable before God.
What do you notice in this passage?
There are times when I act as if God is not there, that He is not aware of my thoughts and actions. I sense God reminding me that I have some of this folly in me too. “There is no one who does good, not even one.” If this is the case (and I believe it is), then I need to repent too, I need to allow God to reveal to me my own blindness and folly and selfishness and cruelty.
I am also encouraged on behalf of others. Where I see people suffering and struggling, where I see or hear of people being victimized, treated unfairly, I am encouraged to be strong for them. Not passively but actively. God through Jesus calls me to join with Him in caring for the weak, the oppressed, the harassed and helpless. Will I?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, You are patient with us, but sometimes it seems Your justice takes too long. Please step in today for those who are being raped, bullied, abused, mistreated, tortured, robbed, dishonoured. If I am guilty of doing this to anyone, show it to me. I want to stand up for the weak, not stand on them!

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