bold, not crazy

December 24, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 10:26-31

Jesus is encouraging His followers not to be intimidated by opposition, but to speak boldly.
Jesus is using extremes to make a point: using the gap between light and darkness, whispering and proclaiming, that is how much stronger, louder, brighter they must be!
Why does Jesus speak of God as the one that can destroy soul and body in hell?
Is it another contrast: God is the greatest, most powerful, with the final authority to grant punishment or pardon, who even cares for the little sparrow, and knows how many hairs are on our head…
If God is that strong, wise and important, don’t give in to those who pretend to be strong, wise and important (human dictators and persecutors).
Don’t be afraid, your security and destiny are firmly within God’s grasp.
What do you notice in this passage?

Its all about focus and faith (confidence), I need to keep reminding myself that no matter what is going on around me, God is still bigger and greater and has the final say in my life.
I am reminded of the pastor in a South American country who was speaking out against the drug lords, and faced constant threats; he said, ‘I am absolutely immortal while God’s purpose for my life stands, no one can kill me before my time’.
He continued to preach boldly and rally support against the drug lords… he was eventually killed, but his wife continued the cause her husband started.
Not sure how it ended, but he was boldly practicing what Jesus preached: do not be afraid or intimidated.
Sounds good, but I hate pain, suffering, torture, so I honestly cannot say how I would do in this setting.
I can’t relate to the persecution, but what about the part about being bold and loud for Jesus, proclaiming loudly what He speaks to me in my heart, letting everyone know?
On the one hand, I am eager to do this, and yet I am also hesitant, not wanting to be a crazy fanatic that people avoid or persecute because they are extreme or ‘over the top’.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, right now this is theory, I am not facing hardship. But I can pay attention to the other part, about speaking louder, more boldly, about You. Make me bold in a good way, but not in a crazy way.

One Comment

  1. Reading this passage affirms that we need not fear speaking about God. It makes me think, though, what is it that God whispers to us that we should proclaim? Does he whisper us about the sins of other? Does he whisper to us about how much he hates homosexuals, Muslims, atheists, teenage unwed moms etc?? I think it is when we boldy proclaim our own opinions that we may sound crazy or “fanatical”. What God usually whispers to me is love, peace, gentle encouragment to change things. What if we proclaim and demonstrate love? Will that be seen as fanatical as well?
    I am thankful that God knows the number of hairs on my head, and values me even when I don’t feel like He can use me. I pray that He will continue to whisper to me, so that I can share those words boldly with others.

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