I’m a missionary too

December 19, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 10:16-20

Apparently those who follow Jesus are not just along for the ride, they are going to be given assignments.
To be sent (Latin, ‘missio’; Greek ‘apostolo’): the word ‘apostle’ means ‘missionary’, or ‘sent one’.
A tough assignment: like sheep among wolves.
In other words, don’t expect an easy time of it (do you still want to be a Jesus follower?).
Jesus’ instructions for this difficult mission:
— be shrewd, yet innocent
— be on guard
— expect opposition
— be witnesses
— do not worry
— trust God to speak through you
What do you notice in this passage?

If I think of myself as a Jesus-follower, am I an apostle, a missionary, a sent one?
Seems to me many think of ‘mission’ as an extra, perhaps an optional part of being a Christian.
A soldier in the battlefield is first and foremost a soldier, a missionary on the mission field is first and foremost a missionary, a Christian in their field of life is first and foremost a sent one for Jesus.
Do I see myself as being sent into each day, to represent Jesus as His ambassador and witness?
I need to be both shrewd and innocent, I need to anticipate that people will not like what I say.
But I can also be confident that when I speak, it will be God speaking through me!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, help me to think of myself on a mission, with a purpose, sent into my world to work with Jesus in His mission of restoring Your family and rebuilding Your world.


  1. Thanks MUB, I did not even think about that. MUB is referring to an opportunity I recently had to speak to the Region of Durham as a representative for Christianity. Doesn’t quite feel the same, since I wasn’t dragged there. But it was an opportunity to speak on Jesus behalf, and to be speak with thoughtfulness (shrewd?) and integrity (innocence?). I was warmly received, no one attacked or questioned me. Does that mean I did not represent my teacher well?

  2. I jumped the gun a little yesterday with vs 16, so here it is again.
    Lots of animals mentioned in a metaphorical way. Be like sheep among wolves. How would a sheep act in the presence of a wolf? Be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as doves. In none of this do we see an example of being pushy or loud and obnoxious for the kingdom. What follows is that we will be given the words to speak when opportunities arise. If I am open to tell others of Jesus means to me, then God will provide the time and place.

    I expect Norm will speak of his speaking to council and government leaders on behalf of Christianity recently. I am not sure if he was flogged first, but opportunities like this, to share what we believe to others, and letting God speak through us makes us want to share the experience all the more. We are told to be on guard against men. I think this means that we should not look for trouble, but if we end up in problems on account of Jesus, then we can count on the Spirit of the Father to speak through us. I should welcome the chance to share my faith, and who knows, I may end up speaking before governors or Kings.

    I pray that I am willing to be able to trust God for the words to say, and for the ability to timidly and innocently live out my life for Jesus and the kingdom.

  3. Observations:
    Stand on guard as you work for Jesus. It will be difficult and you will be persecuted for your ministry. But I the Lord will be with you so don’t worry because I will give you the words to speak. Reminds me of Moses.

    Living for Jesus id tough. There are difficulties and there will be trials, but it is the Lord God I am serving and he has and still is my Provider. Stand up for Jesus. Don’t worry. He is with His people and will be the ‘mouthpiece.’ He knows His own and He will not leave them but will empower them to endure, to speak His Word of truth giving the reason for what they/I believe.

    Live for Christ each day and walk in His Way and He will take care of you. That’s comfort!

    Open my mouth Lord so that I do speak Your truth always. Purify the words I speak like the seraphim cleansing long ago so that I am not afraid to take a stand. Make me SpiritStrong.

    Pu- ri- fy my heart

    Touch me with your cleansing fire

    Take me to the cross

    Ho li ness is my de si re

    Breathe your life in me

    Kindle a love that flows from your throne

    Oh, pu ri fy my heart

    Purify my hear

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