what can we do?

December 9, 2012

1. “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v.3) David is describing a tense, volatile and dangerous time, when society is collapsing into violence and evil. Would this be an apt description of our times to, when the foundations are bing destroyed? We still have remnants of the foundations supporting our western society, but they are crumbling, and in my opinion things are getting worse (agree or disagree?). What can those committed to the foundations do when others are destroying them? Keep building on them, keep living them!!!
2. The Lord is watching, whether people admit/accept it, or not. He sees those who are building up, and those who are tearing down. We need to be careful when we judge people as righteous or wicked, for God sees beyond the surface to the heart. We might think a person is good or bad, but God knows better. He is righteous and just, and the upright (those whose hearts are pointed in the right direction, humbly looking up to Him).
3. “But the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot (vv.5-6).” This may sound harsh, but this is not a reference to how God treats the humble and innocent, but how God deals with the cruel, vicious, wicked. Think of someone who sadistically rapes or tortures innocent victims, and think of the righteous anger that we have against them. Think of watching someone rape your daughter, or torture your son… this is the kind of anger and hatred and justice this passage is talking about. God hates this, and rightly so!
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Deep down I think that all people know right from wrong, that all people have a sense of what justice is. Even rapists and murderers know deep down that what they are doing is wrong, though they ignore or suppress that knowledge (Romans 2:15). In the moment they give in to their feelings, and silence their conscience. The longer they do this, the less they sense it, and over time their conscience becomes seared, silenced, corrupted (Titis 1:15).
2. What makes this situation worse is that people have let go of their moorings, and children are being raised without a strong sense of morality or conscience. Though our society still has remnants of the foundations in place (the basis of law and order and human rights), more and more people are going against them, and children are being raised to ignore them, to do what feels good in the moment (why else have schools added an emphasis on character, and repeatedly have to fight against bullying). Is it any wonder that these things are happening, when the foundations are being destroyed?
3. What can the righteous do? Not be judgmental or escapist. We need to keep on living the God-life, keep on doing what is right and good, and modelling the better way. We are witnesses to life as God intended it to be, and need to live it even if no one else around us is. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. (Philippians 2:14-16)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I sometimes despair when I experience how kids are living and thinking and behaving. And I wonder what difference I can make when they are immersed in homes and lives saturated with selfishness and immorality. Keep me focused on what is right and good, and help me to shine with Your light.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    A statement of faith – ‘In God I take refuge.’
    The is is no other security to which one can flee when the enemy comes. He comes to destroy our foothold, the heart of what we stand for. And what can His people do?
    God observes all. His is enthroned. He hates wickedness and His people will see His face,

    Nowhere am I safer than to place my hand in the Lord’s hand. That’s comfort. That’s hope. That’s living for Jesus. He is my Provider, Comforter, Redeemer, King, Fortress, Rock. My Surety. And although I may go against the flow, in all things I need to stand up for Christ because I among His people one day will live with Him in Glory. O happy day! The destination is where my focus must be as I continue my journey in joy for the joy of the Lord God is my strength.

    Lead me and guide me this day Lord in Your Way as You have always done. Help me always to have the upward look – the attitude of gratitude with altitude for all what You have done.

    God Himself is present:
    Let us now adore Him
    And with awe appear before Him.
    God is in His temple–
    All within keep silence,
    Humbly kneel with deepest reverence.
    He alone On His throne
    Is our God and Savior;
    Praise His name forever.

    God Himself is present:
    Hear the harps resounding;
    See the hosts the throne surrounding!
    “Holy, holy, holy”–
    Hear the hymn ascending,
    Songs of saints and angels blending.
    Bow Your ear To us here:
    Hear, O Christ, the praises
    That Thy Church now raises.

    Fount of every blessing,
    Purify my spirit,
    Trusting only in Your merit.
    Like the holy angels,
    Worshipping before You,
    May I ceaselessly adore you
    Let Your will Ever still
    Rule Your church terrestrial
    As the host celestial.

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