Jesus in a bar?

December 6, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:9-13

1. Jesus shows up, says ‘follow me’, and Matthew leaves everything to follow Him. What would it take for this to happen? Either Matthew was compelled by God, or he was already primed for this (tired of persecution as a tax collector? hating his job and his life? shocked that someone actually wanted him?). My sense is that Matthew was already desperate, and that Jesus met him in a moment of need with grace and affirmation and hope. Matthew wanted this more than that job or money.
2. Matthew’s outcast friends are also drawn to Jesus, but the religious leaders are scandalized? Jesus, God’s messiah, would not associate with such lowlife scum, the dregs of society. According to Jesus, this is exactly who God is seeking, who God is committed to. Like a doctor, Jesus spends most of His time with the sick, they need Him most! If the Pharisees were humble enough to admit it, they too were sick and in need of His attention.
3. God desires mercy, not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6) Sacrifice refers to religious observances, commanded by God, yet not what God was looking for. The sacrifices were to be symbols of humility, mercy, love, repentance, object lessons pointing to deeper truths. God does not want us to be religious, God wants us to be loving, good, compassionate, humble, honest, sincere, forgiving. This is true religion.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. What do you think: you can tell Jesus-followers by who they spend their time with. Jesus spent His time and energy devoted to the little, the least, the lost. Who do we spend our time and energy with? If Jesus has sent us to continue the work He began, should we not also seek sinners, and not the righteous?
2. To spend time with sinners is misleading language, it sounds like we are not sinners (ie the good ones) stooping down to be with sinners (the bad ones). No, we are sinners equal with others, equally in need of mercy. We show mercy because we have been shown mercy. Sinners are our own kind, people just like us. We’re no better or worse.
3. This passage challenges me to get out of the christian bubble, to not just spend time with church people, and to not think of me (or us) as better than others. A gathering of people in a bar and a gathering of people in a church are both the same before God, in need of mercy and forgiveness and help. Both groups will be mixed groups, with some who know their need for mercy and some who do not. The Lord is present in both gatherings, though I sometimes wonder whether He prefers to spend time in the bar rather than in the church…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, You see us for who we are, and you still hang out with us. Thank You for not treating us as our sins deserve. Thank You for meeting us in our brokenness and sin, and offering us a better life.


  1. Jesus had already begun his ministry, and had already preached his sermon on the mount, and performed miracles, but he did not have his entire team in place before he proceeded with this. Earlier, he had asked Andrew and Peter, James and John to follow him, and they all did, leaving behind their fishing business. Now he comes across Matthew, and asks him to follow. I am not sure what conversations took place between Matthew and Jesus prior to this “follow me” request, but Matthew got up and followed. I am surprised that these men did not make arrangement for their businesses. As we read it, they abandoned what they were doing to follow Jesus.

    I am also given the invitation to follow Jesus. What does this mean for me? How do I live this out? Do I need to abandon what I know and do? Or does God want me to bloom where I am planted?

    Jesus came and had dinner with Matthew and some of his friends. It seems that a lot of what was going on was pretty out in the open, because the Pharisees saw this, they were concerned with the kind of people Jesus was hanging around with. If Jesus had no influence, or impact on the Pharisees, then I am sure they would have happily ignored him. But Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching, along with signs made them nervous, and threatened. The Pharisees were people trying to live a Godly life; they were the churchgoers of the day. Jesus wanted to hang out with the non church goers. He went so far as to tell us that he does not want sacrifice, and did not come to call the righteous. He came to call sinners, and what he wants from us is mercy.

    How do I put this into practice? Do I quit going to church? Do I stop hanging out with my Christian friends? I need to be able to talk with people outside my comfort group. I need to help and show mercy where I can. I need to listen for opportunities to serve as God shows me.

    I pray that God will show me what it means to show mercy, and to show your way of reaching out to those that are not righteous.

  2. Observations:
    Jesus calls Matthew and he leaves his way and follows.
    Jesus also fellowships with Matthew – having a meal with him at his house which drew in more of his friends.
    The religious people stood outside and asked ‘Why?’ Jesus’ response – ‘I have come for sinners.’

    When Jesus calls it demands change and that change influences our life style. Matthew knew his state of affairs, but the Pharisees thought they had arrived – self-righteous and in need of none – not even their Master.
    In this life all people need God’s grace to live for Him. None have arrived. All is work in progress for we all are sinners. God takes us where we are and continues to make us into what we need to be – instruments of peace serving Him – influencing – witnessing – making a difference to all we meet and greet. God uses ‘cracked pots’ like me in His service because He isn’t finished with me yet.
    All peoples here upon earth need Jesus.

    Thank You Lord for Christ – coming to meet us where we are and taking us where we need to be. Draw me closer and fit me for Your purpose. Help me to be the living ‘letter’ I need to be so that I am an instrument of Your peace as Matthew was – changed , empowered to serve.

    Change my heart, O God,
    Make it ever true;
    Change my heart, O God,
    May I be like You.

    Change my heart, O God,
    Make it ever true;
    Change my heart, O God,
    May I be like You

    You are the Potter,
    I am the clay;
    Mold me and make me,
    This is what I pray

    Change my heart, O God,
    Make it ever true;
    Change my heart, O God,
    May I be like You.

    Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your Lambs
    Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your Lambs

    O let the Son of God enfold You
    With His Spirit and His love
    Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul
    O let Him have those things that hold You
    And His Spirit like a dove
    Will descend upon your life
    And make you whole.

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