our greatest need

December 5, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:1-8

1. Jesus forgives and heals the paralyzed man because of the faith of his friends. This is encouraging for when we pray for people we love, even if they themselves cannot or do not have confidence in God.
2. Why does Jesus forgive the man, and only heal as an afterthought, as proof of His authority? Goes to show that there is something more important than just healing, that our disconnect and relational brokenness is the root issue that we need help with.
3. Only God has the authority to forgive a person their sin. Jesus demonstrates His divine authority entrusted to Him as God’s chosen messiah. This passage shows that Jesus understood Himself to be more than just a human teacher; the Jews understood this too, accusing Him of blasphemy.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. My greatest need is for forgiveness, restoration to God, others and myself. I need to sense and appreciate the seriousness of my selfish, hurtful thoughts/words/deeds to God, to others and to myself. All of my struggles – physical, emotional, social, mental, etc. – are symptoms of this deeper need and concern. God could heal me if I was sick, but if I was still disconnected from God, what good would that do. Do my prayers reflect this priority of a restored relationship with God? Do I pray mostly for things or blessings or advantages, or do I pray for a better relationship with God, for forgiveness for the ways I offend/hurt others?
2. When I see people in need, do I remember that their greatest need is also for forgiveness and a restored relationship with God? We spend a lot of time focusing on the physical and social needs of the people we relate to as a church, when or how do we address this deeper spiritual need?
3. Do I pray with faith for others, knowing that God can see my faith and help them because of me? Is this where we need to pay more attention in our ministry as a church? Loving people enough to bring them to Jesus (through prayer), so that He can forgive and help them?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, thank You for reminding me of my need for forgiveness, and of Your eagerness to forgive. Help me to not get side-tracked by the blessings, that I ignore the Blesser!


  1. God and Man

    Only God can forgive sins, as sin is wrong against God. You or I can forgive someone if the wrong us personally. This was such a strong idea that the teachers of the law thought that it was blasphemy that a man would say to someone, “your sins are forgiven”. This was Jesus saying in a round a bout way, “I am God” Jesus considered the teachers of the law’s reaction and thought as evil in their hearts.

    He asked the question “ which is easier to say?” I am not sure if the emphasis is on the word “easier” or on the word “say” ? In either case, I think Jesus was saying to the doubters in the crowd that if he was just talking, and blaspheming, then he would have nothing other than talk. And talk is cheap and easy to do. But he stepped it up a notch. In order to show them that he had God’s power he told the man to get up and walk. He told them that this would be his proof that he was God. He also used a term that they would have known. He called himself the “Son of Man” So here he was, showing that he was the son of God, and pronouncing himself as the son of man.

    The crowd was filled with awe. They recognized God’s power. The verse mentions that they praised God for giving such authourity to men. Jesus says that he will give us his Spirit and power in Jesus name to do greater things than he did.

    I pray that I will stand in awe of God, and will be able to understand his forgiveness, as well as his power to heal.

    How about a song to summarize what is going through my head right now? Here it is:

    1. Beautiful Savior,
    King of Creation,
    Son of God and Son of Man!
    Truly I’d love Thee,
    Truly I’d serve Thee,
    Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown
    2. Beautiful Savior,
    Lord of the nations,
    Son of God and Son of Man!
    Glory and honor,
    Praise, adoration,
    Now and forevermore be Thine!

  2. Observations:
    Jesus came to His own town where some men brought a paralyzed man to Him to be healed.
    The ‘scribes’ said to themselves – not aloud – This is blasphemy.
    Christ knows their thoughts and show His authority – it is easy to say your sins are forgiven because where’s the proof? It is much more difficult to heal the man to walk home. No wonder they call Him Wonderful:-)

    It is in Christ alone that one has forgiveness of sins. Once again words and deeds come together and are in sync. Once again I am shown that I must come by faith that He is able – – – to turn the hearts of His people HOME. He has the power and the authority and the earthly priesthood does not have the power to forgive sins. Helpless I come to Christ but in Him I can do all things. He enables and sets the captives free. Free to serve.

    Help me this day to praise You!

    Peter and John went to pray.
    they met a lame man on the way
    He asked for alms and held out his palms,
    and this is what Peter did say”
    Silver and gold have I none,
    but such as I have give I you.
    In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, in Jesus’ name rise up and walk.
    The man went walking and leaping and praising God,
    Walking and leaping and praising God,
    “In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, In Jesus’ name rise up and walk”.

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