simple prayer (2)

November 8, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:9-15

1. This prayer is so familiar, it’s hard to make new observations. What stands out again to me is the brevity and simplicity of this prayer. Just the facts. God doesn’t need the commentary. Could I present a request in one sentence?

2. The opening lines give shape to the concluding requests. Our focus is first of all God, Who He is, and our desire for His honour, His kingdom, His will. To that end, feed us, forgive us and protect us… so that God might be honoured, His kingdom and will come in our lives. We usually switch this, our focus is on us, and we use the intro to get it.
3. The big emphasis of Jesus is on forgiveness. Since grace is the heart of God’s relationship to us, it is or ought to be the heart of our relationship with God. Do we really want to pray this, forgive us as much as we forgive others?
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Why am I asking for what I ask for, for my own honor, kingdom and will… or God’s? How strong is my desire for these first three requests? Will I submit to God’s will if it is better for His honour, kingdom and will that I remain sick, or hungry, or unemployed, or struggling in my work? Will I accept my circumstances as opportunities to honour God, serve His kingdom and obey His will?
2. I sense the Lord gently challenging my prayer life, how I relate with God. Thinking of how Jesus spent time alone with God, praying like this, I think about my own conversational relationship with God… and am not satisfied. If my prayers were as brief and simple as this, it would only take me a few minutes. Unless the rest of the time is spent savoring His presence, resting in His love, no words. Hmm, this would be nice.
3. The Lord is also reminding me that my response to others (forgiveness, patience, kindness, mercy, etc) needs to aim to be like His for me. Am I as patient (or even just trying to be) as God is with me? If He tolerates my many annoying and foolish ways, why am I less patient or forgiving of others. If God treated me as I deserved, would I like it? Should this not affect how I treat others, not treating them as they may deserve?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?



  1. Prayer can be simple.
    To pray and know that you can talk to
    The Lord anytime anyware through prayer is amazing.

    Matthew 6:6
    But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

  2. The Lord’s Prayer

    I have prayed this prayer all my life. It is good to periodically sit back and think about what exactly am I praying. Each phrase can mean something different to me at different times in my life. The very first one, “Our Father” can make me stop and think for a long time. Fathers can give stability, comfort, help in times of trouble, advise based on experience, and are more like their children than anyone else. I have habits and life skills and ways of doing things that I have learned from my parents.

    Hallowed be your name. I don’t use that word too often, so I looked it up in the dictionary. Revere, respect is what we are to do with the name of our Father. In a world where the name of Jesus and God is not hallowed, let me learn to revere and respect his name.

    This prayer is a prayer of action. We are asking God to forgive us in the same measure that we forgive others. This concept is so important that the verses after the prayer ends explain this further. If we forgive others, our Father in Heaven will forgive us. However, if we do not forgive others, the God will not forgive us. These words are pretty clear as to what they mean, yet they are so hard to put into action. Our world is full of people who are holding grudges, hate, and distrust. I need to learn to forgive as God forgives.

    Lead us not into temptation. It hit me as I read this this morning. Why am I praying this to the Father. Is it possible that He would lead us into temptation? The next line about asking to be delivered from the evil one is clear to me. I always thought that temptation’s source was the evil one. I am not sure how praying this fits with my current understanding of God and his goodness. Even in the story of Job, it was not God doing the tempting but the devil.

    I pray that I will learn to pray to God in an effective manner. I thank Him for this example. He says explicitly, “This is how you should pray.”

  3. Observations:
    This certainly is a ‘simple’ prayer focusing on God and man’s needs.
    This first part is about God’s holiness and His kingdom. Royalty, while the second part is man’s humanness – his daily grind.
    Praise for the Father and the struggle for man.

    The basic ingredients of prayer can be spelled out with the acronym ACTS,
    Adoration – addressing and praising the Father – giving glory to God.
    Confession – removing any barriers between ourself and God – forgiveness of our sins.
    Thanksgiving – being thankful in all circumstances – knowing also what the Lord God has already done in my life
    Supplication – ask the Lord for what i need for the day

    Lord help me this day to depend upon You for all my needs and may I be Your instrument of peace this day.

    Our Father in Heaven, we hallow Thy Name;
    May Thy kingdom holy on earth be the same;
    O give to us daily our portion of bread;
    It is from Thy bounty that all must be fed.

    Forgive our transgressions, and teach us to know
    That humble compassion which pardons each foe;
    Keep us from temptation, from evil and sin,
    And Thine be the glory, forever! Amen!

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