hollow words

October 31, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:33-37

1. Jesus may be referring to Deuteronomy 23:21 or Numbers 30:2, both about the serious of keeping oaths once made. Originally people would reinforce their words with the weight of something solid and reliable (Jesus gives some examples of things people would use), but over time these oaths themselves became empty expressions, weightless (just like ‘bless you’ is to us when someone sneezes).
2. Just as Jesus warns against empty religion, He also warns about empty oaths. Don’t implicate God – or any other thing which we have no control over anyway – in our hollow promises. The only thing we have control over is ourselves, our character and integrity. Speak and live truthful lives!
3. Say what you mean, mean what you say. If the answer is yes, say it and do it; if the answer is no, say it and stand by it. This does not rule out using oaths in the court system – obedience requires it. Jesus targets the way we exaggerate or inflate ourselves by our words. In other words, bearing false witness about ourselves.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I hear in what Jesus is saying a warning about using words to make myself look better. Have I ever shared a story where I inflated the facts a little to look good, to impress people, or to soothe my own mind? I know I have, and still do. It is unconscious, subtle, but dishonest.
2. What are empty words that I use sometimes: ‘How are you?’ ‘I’ll pray for you!’ ‘I’ve got to go now!’ ‘Sorry, I already have plans for that day!’ ‘You look great!’ ‘I’ve missed you!’ ‘God bless you!’ ‘I’ve been really busy!’. Some of these are just ordinary parts of everyday conversation, spoken often without depth and sincerity. Hollow words.
3. Or let’s go deeper, how about words used in worship. The songs that we sing, do we really mean the words? Do we sing because the words express our heart, or do we sing because that is what everyone is doing, that’s the proper thing to do in church? Or my prayers, how many cliches do I use that I really understand or mean – ‘Our Father in heaven’ or ‘Your will be done!’ or even ‘Amen!’ Say what you mean, mean what you say.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, I am now more aware of how I use words, and how I often do not mean what I say. Help me to guard my lips today, to be conscious of what I am saying, so that I may not dishonour You or deceive others by how I speak.

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