One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Abraham practices hospitality to the visitors who brought good news.
    Abe stands before the Lord and he pleads for Sodom and Gomarrah.
    The Lord saves His own as seen by the story of Lot. The destruction was not only the people but also the creation.
    Preserving the family line by the daughters of Lot. And also Abe by not trusting the Lord to keep him safe.
    Yet with the story of Isaac shows total trust in the Lord and even the words he spoke were prophetic.
    The foreign people respect Abraham – a living witness.
    The selecting of a wife for Isaac shows that the whole household – servants too – live in the presence of God and do His will. Isaac spent time in private – meditating with His Lord. He also prayed to the Lord for specific life issues – taking it all to the Lord in prayer.

    Practice hospitality – bring ‘hospital’ to those around me bringing healing.
    Plead the cause, pray for the ungodly so that they may turn their hearts towards home.
    The sins of the people has also effected the creation.
    Mankind trying to ‘work’ the promises of God by his own hands. Even Abe didn’t fully trust the Lord’s plan with his encounters with Abimelek or as shown by the story of Hagar and Ishmael. We are in tune with the Lord and still try work His plan because we don’t trust or see how His way will come to pass.
    God’s people do His work even without realizing that they are fulfilling what God had promised His people. God uses His people His wonders/His promises to fulfill – His covenant promise.
    The story of Sarah and her death shows the influence of the patriarch upon the land and its people. How I live also is a living example – an epistle – a letter – to be read by all – on how we are to live before the face of God.
    God moves in mysterious ways His lineage to preserve through the daily affairs of man. In daily living, we are always before the face of God Who directs all our affairs which I must live and see and do and trust in all that I say and do – walking and talking with the risen Saviour Who directs my daily affairs. Where have I seen Jesus his day? He directs ALL my footsteps – it is from the Lord. And as Isaac did, so I too need to set time aside to send with the Lord – meditate – spend time focussed on Him. I too need to bring all of my life in prayer to the Lord – my joys and my sorrows – walking and talking in all of my life before His face.

    Lord, I can see how the people of old I read about were Your witness to the people around them. Your witnesses lived in Your presence with their strengths and failings. And so too, I Your witness need Your presence, Your Spirit to live this day for You in all I do and say. Help me in my walk. Help me in my pilgrim;s progress. Help me to walk in Your SonLight each day. Always and Forever.

    O Master, let me walk with Thee,
    In lowly paths of service free;
    Tell me Thy secret; help me bear
    The strain of toil, the fret of care.

    Help me the slow of heart to move
    By some clear, winning word of love;
    Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
    And guide them in the homeward way.

    O Master, let me walk with Thee,
    Before the taunting Pharisee;
    Help me to bear the sting of spite,
    The hate of men who hide Thy light.

    The sore distrust of souls sincere
    Who cannot read Thy judgments clear,
    The dullness of the multitude,
    Who dimly guess that Thou art good.

    Teach me Thy patience; still with Thee
    In closer, dearer, company,
    In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
    In trust that triumphs over wrong.

    In hope that sends a shining ray
    Far down the future’s broadening way,
    In peace that only Thou canst give,
    With Thee, O Master, let me live.

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