believe it or not?

October 18, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:23-25

1. This must have been a very draining schedule for Jesus, I know how tired I am after one sermon, or when I am working even with just a few people. If Jesus felt the power go out of Him when the woman with the bleeding touched Him, what did He feel when the crowds were being healed? Add to the physical exhaustion the spiritual, emotional and mental fatigue. Sometimes I get so tired the good news doesn’t even sound good anymore…

2. I’ve never experienced healing or miracles like this. For some reason, all of the healing services I’ve gone to the miracles were all internal, invisible, difficult to confirm. My impression here is that the miracles were obvious, blind people seeing, lame people walking, possessed people set free. I have heard of miracles happening to others, and do believe it happens, I’ve just never seen it, nor has it happened when I’ve prayed for people.
3. Demon-possession. I have been with people who were either possessed or at least severely oppressed. And I have been a part of praying people free from this. This ain’t no exorcism thing, it’s me simply praying again and again in Jesus’ Name, and the demon backing down. This is how I know there is power in Jesus’ Name, because of my experiences here. It’s difficult to explain, but I’ve seen it.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Today I feel encouraged. As I reflected on my past experiences with people oppressed by demons, I sense the Lord assuring me that He is still Lord, and that I am still victorious in Him. ”Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)! Wow, what a promise. This is not regarding demons, it is a reminder that in all the situations and struggles I am involved with, I am backed by the Name that is above all names.
2. I am also reminded that my job (as a follower of Jesus, not just as a pastor), like Jesus, is to teach, to share the good news, and to bless/help people with the help of the Spirit. It is not my business to gather crowds or be successful, it is my job to be faithful and sincere, and leave the results to God. I pray for healing, and leave the results to God. I help someone who is struggling with assistance and encouragement, and leave the results to God. I share the good news, and leave the results to God. I teach the bible, and leave the results to God.
3. I sense the Lord gently challenging me to increase my confidence in His message and His power. He is not only able to do immeasurably more than I ask or imagine, He is willing. Am I willing to step out of the boat and claim it? Am I willing to do what He asks me to do, whether it feels weak or foolish, and trust Him to the results? Do I believe that my testimony, my experience of Jesus, as weak as it is, expresses the power of the gospel, and therefore can have results way beyond my own power and ability?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I believe, help me in my unbelief!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Jesus went around teaching, proclaiming and healing.
    The news of this Master Teacher spread all over the land.
    People brought the sick to Him to be healed – those suffering in the body and those suffering in their minds. They came.
    They followed!

    Jesus is still proclaiming the Good News to the people throughout the land using His ministers – His people – to share that news.
    And the people are still being healed today through medicine and miracles – and to Him be the glory of both.
    As the people then came to Him, so the people today need to come to Him because it is only through Him and by Him that this world can be cured from sin and hat’s the reason for Christ coming into the world. All must come to know Him and follow Him and He will give ‘rest’ – healing to all.
    To know Him is to Love Him is to follow Him also today and He will take care of me.

    O Master let me walk with You this day. Lead me and guide me along the way so that I may be a living witness of how great You are! Jesus is the answer – the reason for living also this day.

    Come to the Savior now,
    He gently calleth thee;
    In true repentance bow,
    Before Him bend the knee;
    He waiteth to bestow
    Salvation, peace, and love,
    True joy on earth below,
    A home in Heav’n above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    Ye who have wandered far;
    Renew your solemn vow,
    For His by right you are;
    Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
    Returning to His fold;
    His arm will safely keep,
    His love will ne’er grow cold.

    Come to the Savior, all,
    Whate’er your burdens be;
    Hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on Me.”
    Come, and for ev’ry grief
    In Jesus you will find
    A sure and safe relief,
    A loving Friend and kind.

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