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October 1, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:1-17

1. There were four women included (Tamar v.3, Rahab v.5, Ruth v.5, Bathsheba v.6) have less than stellar reputations, yet they are included in Jesus’ family tree. Tamar was impregnated by her father-in-law when she posed as a prostitute; Rahab and Ruth were foreigners, Bathsheba had an affair with David, who killed her husband to cover it up. Why include these women, instead of Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca?

2. Were these actually 14 generations, or is this the author’s way of making a point? It has been pointed out that Matthew is highlighting the connection between Jesus the promised Messiah and David, and that the gematra (numerical value) of David’s name in Hebrew (d-v-d) is fourteen.
3. This genealogy differs from Luke’s (Luke 3:23-28). It has been suggested that Matthew uses Mary’s line, while Luke uses Joseph’s line. Matthew traces Jesus line to David to highlight His Messianic kingship; Luke traces Jesus line to Adam, to highlight His identity as the restored Son of God.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I sense the Lord assuring me that I am welcome and at home in his family, even though I am also a sinner. Both the men and the women in this list were sinners, yet they belong. I belong, I am welcome, I am forgiven.
2. I also sense the assurance that this is all working out according to God’s plan. Matthew is making the point that God is keeping His promise, He has sent the Messiah to rescue us from sin and death and hell.
3. Lastly, I sense the Lord saying that He still wants to bring Jesus into the world through me. Just as these people were instrumental in ‘giving birth’ to Jesus, I can do that in my life. Am I? Will I? How will I ‘beget’ or ‘reproduce’ Jesus in my day? Will more ‘sinners’ be added to Jesus’ family tree through me?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Father, thank You for loving, forgiving and accepting me, and using me to help others enter Jesus’ family. Help me to reproduce Jesus today, through my words and actions.

One Comment

  1. I appreciate that God can and does use every day people. The people contained in this list are both noble (David, Solomon) as well as people we know nothing about. I never know what God has in place for me and my contribution to His grand plan.

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