leap for joy?

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. [Psalm 28:7]
David is under attack, and his only hope is the Lord.
He pleads for God’s mercy and help, otherwise he is doomed.
But he does not look to the Lord in despair, he looks with hope.
In fact, he is confident that the Lord is his strength and shield; he can even say that his heart is leaping with joy and rejoicing with song, because he is so confident in the Lord.

Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets. [Luke 6:22-23]
Jesus describes a similar situation as in Psalm 28 – someone who is hated, excluded, insulted, rejected because of their commitment to Him.
They too can have their hearts leaping with joy and rejoicing with song, because they can be confident in Him.

Does this seem realistic?
Many people, including many christians, cannot imagine this.
But not only is it possible, it is necessary.
This kind of joy does not just happen to us, but it is the result of a lifetime of seeking the Lord, serving Him with sincerity, and keeping in step with His Spirit.
This kind of joy is the fruit of the Spirit, and is produced in those who seek to live in the Spirit, with the Lord.

Such joy is not something we can seek, or we can produce on our own.
We are to set our hearts on knowing and loving and following the Lord; as we open ourselves to Him and His Spirit, investing in our personal relationship with Him, His Spirit produces this amazing joy.
Again, we cannot attain this joy on our own; it is a by-product of a growing personal relationship with the Lord, by His Spirit in us.

Too many of us want the fruit (joy) without the root (a personal relationship).
Too many fail to nurture their walk with God, and find themselves alone and desperate down the way.
We cannot experience love, joy, peace, patience, etc. apart from this walk with the Lord.
But as you do grow in your walk with Him, you too will be able to say (with is help): The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. [Psalm 28:7]

Lord, thank You for the relationship we have. May we walk and talk together today, and may I experience this heart-leaping joy!

One Comment

  1. David talks to God asking this time not to turn a deaf ear. God is his Rock, his Strength, his Shield at all times and especially this time for the Lord has heard his cry for help in the overcoming of his enemies.

    The Lord is the strength for his people and at all times I need to sing praises. At all times I need to talk with God. At all times I need to realize that He will carry me through my trials for He is my strength – the strength for His people and as my shepherd, He continues to lead me and guide me wherever I need to go for He knows what is best for me. All I need to do is surrender all to the Shepherd and He will take care of the rest – Psalm 23.

    The Lord is my shepherd;
    *I’ll walk with him always.
    He leads me by still waters;
    *I’ll walk with him always.
    Always, always,
    *I’ll walk with him always.

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