don’t be afraid

Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” [Mark 5:36]
This passage reveals the power and authority of Jesus – over demons, over sickness, even over death.
This is why Jesus is the hope of the world, He is the only one that can overcome the power of Satan, sin, death and hell.
But can we believe this, will we?

The demon recognized Who Jesus was, and trembled.
Both the sick woman and Jairus recognized Who Jesus was, to some extent, enough to reach out to Him for healing and help.
But can He even overcome death?
Healing maybe, but death?
Jesus urges people to believe that He is greater even than death.
And He adds the words, “don’t be afraid”.

Why does He urge us not to fear?
Because Satan’s only defence against the power and authority of Jesus is fear.
If he can frighten us into doubting or distancing ourselves from Jesus, he will win.
Why do the demons ask to go into the pigs?
Because then they could frighten the townspeople away from Jesus – which is exactly what happens: Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. [Mark 5:17].
After touching Jesus, the woman is afraid to step forward, and no doubt Satan was stirring her fears, making her think that Jesus was angry.
But Jesus broke through her fear and encouraged and blessed her.
When Jairus’ daughter dies, his people urge him to give up hope, to not bring Jesus anymore, afterall not even Jesus can do something about death.
But Jesus says “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Satan has no power, expect the power of deception.
If he can make us look away from Jesus, and fear other things more than Jesus, then we will start to sink.
Think of Peter, walking on water while he looks at Jesus, but then sinking when he focuses on the waves… and he starts to sink.

Satan toys with our minds.
He makes us think about the ‘what ifs’.
He impresses on us all the worse case scenarios.
He points to examples of failure, of suffering, of evil – just so that we will take our eyes off of Jesus.

  • Why won’t I talk about Jesus?
  • Why won’t I be more generous with my money?
  • Why won’t I pull over and help that person in need?
  • Why won’t I go on that mission trip?
  • Why won’t I make that difficult visit?
  • Why won’t I offer to pray for that person?
  • Why won’t I resist that peer pressure?
  • Why won’t I do the right thing at work?

Fear, Satan stirs my fears, he makes me focus on what might go wrong.
But Jesus says “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Imagine how different our lives would be if we would stop trusting in Satan’s lies, and start trusting in Jesus’ power and authority!

Lord, forgive me for believing Satan’s lies more than You!

One Comment

  1. In the beginning was the Word.

    The passages once again show the power of the Word of Jesus. He cast out the evil spirit of legion – 6,000 men in army terms – and the people asked Jesus, pleaded with Jesus to leave them. The villagers not only lost their property, but also their WAY. They did not follow Christ.

    The crowds wanted to hear the Word because wherever Jesus went, they were there. The woman who touched Jesus came forward and told all. It is only by His Word we are healed and can go forward. We all need to be ‘in touch’ with Christ to have the peace which passes all understanding. His Word healed her in the present life and for the future.

    And again the Word for the rebirth of the little girl. In all of life, it is only by His power, His Word, that we do have life. In our joys and in our sorrows, I need to be in His presence. And it is by His Word that my sins and trespasses are forgiven and I am alive forevermore.

    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive
    Alive forevermore
    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive forevermore
    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive

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