a power-full message

I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” [Mark 1:8]
First of all, I need to say that there were a number of verses I could have picked to focus on, there is so much I this chapter.
I picked this verse because it describes the key difference between religion and the kingdom of God.
There are many prophets and many priests, there are many religions and many spiritualities, all of them promise something, and all of them demand something.
But they all share the same weakness – lack of power.
John’s baptism was just a religious ritual, it could not change the heart.
We need more than religious rituals, we need God-worked heart change.

In many ways, religious is not the solution to the worlds’ problems, but a source of the worlds’ problems.
People trying to do in their own strength, through their own practices, what only God can do.
Jesus did more than teach, preach, prophecy, perform miracles, etc.
He took on the power of sin, death and hell (the kingdom of this world) and defeated it; He restored the presence and power of God, and now through Him we are changed from the inside out, or baptized (flood, filled) with the Spirit of God.

It is the presence and power of God in me, as I follow Jesus, joining with Him to rescue the other captives (i.e. being a fisher of men), that I am transformed, made new.
As I open to my heart to His will, to His leading, He enables me to actually change, to become more like Him.

This is what God is working toward, changing us by the power of the Spirit from the inside out, making us more like Jesus.
This is how the kingdom of God is revealed.
The kingdom of God is the world as it’s supposed to be, as it was created to be – no lying, no greed, no cruelty, no injustice, no inequality, no sickness, no death, no immorality, etc.
Instead it is a world filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc., the fruit (or result) of the power of the Spirit in us.

John announces it, but Jesus accomplishes it.
Satan resists it, but Jesus defeats Satan.
By the power of the Spirit, Jesus penetrates this world, setting captives free, bring healing, justice, reconciliation, wholeness.
And we are called to join with Him in this task.

But first we need power.
God’s power inside of us, remaking us.

Lord, unleash Your kingdom power in my life, that my life may also be good news to those around me.

One Comment

  1. The spirit of the Lord came upon Jesus. God’s presence was with Him, but as He went to the wilderness, Satan’s presence was also there. Wherever we be, even though we have His presence with us, we are still challenged by evil. This world belongs to God and we must do all to re-establish His kingdom, yet in all of it, we are also assaulted by Satan. Yet God reigns.

    After John was put into prison, Jesus went proclaiming the Good News. Good always provides His messengers, His servants so that the people may know. His Word will continue to be spread throughout because He will see to it that there are Proclaimers of the Good News. God is in charge.

    And those who proclaim, also need to spend time in His presence to recharge. We all need to spend time with our Lord on a regular basis as we face the challenges of the day. In preparation of the day’s activities, Jesus talked with His Father. Today, before I meet the challenges of the day, I too need to spend time with God to help me along the way with the activities of the day that my focus is not on my doing, but His – being Spirit driven – sharing the Good News in all areas of life. Throughout the travels of the day, others must see the Light within me. LightSource. GodPower. GodStrong.

    1 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me;
    Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
    Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
    Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

    2 Spirit of the living God, move among us all;
    make us one in heart and mind, make us one in love:
    humble, caring, selfless, sharing.
    Spirit of the living God, fill our lives with love.

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