Jesus-centered bible reading

When Jesus walked the earth, God spoke from heaven several times, urging people to “listen to Him!”
Although Jesus is no longer on earth, we can still hear Him speak through the four Gospels (biographies of Jesus).
We can still choose (or refuse)  to listen to Him.
As Jesus-followers, we choose to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the true way to life!
We thankfully accept the forgiveness and freedom He offers us, and we eagerly strive – with His help – to live the full life He has saved us for.
The first disciples learned the Jesus life by spending time with Jesus, watching Him in action, talking things through with Him as He preached and practiced God’s message.
Although Jesus is no longer on earth, we can still spend time with Jesus – through prayer and bible-reading.
If you are a Jesus-follower, what is the quality of your time with Jesus?
Are you watching Him in action, through the stories recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
Are you thinking through what He says, and trying to figure out what His teaching means for you?
Are you striving to obey what He commanded?

Jesus calls me to follow Him, to live my life in Him, with Him, like Him, for Him.
Although He is not here on earth in physical form, He is with us in Spirit, and will be to the very end.
He wants to talk with me (prayer), He wants to teach me (bible-reading).
Spending intentional time alone in prayer and bible reading is actually time spent with Jesus.
As we come to Him, He comes to us and works in us, helping us become more like Him.

Are you practicing Jesus-centered prayer and bible-reading?
Are you experiencing what Jesus spoke of in John 5, coming to Him through scripture and finding life?
You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,  yet you refuse to come to me to have life. (John 5:39-40)

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