no short cuts to success

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 15
This is the inheritance of the tribe of Judah, clan by clan. [Joshua 15:20]
As I think about Judah’s inheritance, I think of Jesus, the messiah promised from the tribe of Judah [Genesis 49:9-10].
He would be the heir (ruler) over all the land.
But how would He receive that land?
By the sword, by political manoeuvring, by armies, by huge riches, by election by the masses?
Jesus avoided all the normal means of acquiring wealth, land, success.
His path was self-denial, sacrifice, grace and mercy.

Satan is always trying to distract and defeat God’s people, to keep them from enjoying the Lord’s blessings.
He offers shortcuts to pleasure, which eventually turn into dead ends.
Think of his attempt with Jesus: Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” [Matthew 4:8-10].
We should not forget how tempting Satan’s offer was.
God was also offering Jesus the kingdoms of the world, but the price for that was huge – suffering and sacrifice.
Satan offers a shortcut – simple one act of worship to him, and Jesus would welcomed into Satan’s demonic kingdom, with the whole world would bow before Him.
Though Satan does not have the right to claim this authority, the reality is, Adam and Eve surrendered their proper role in God’s world to Satan, and became his slaves.

But for Jesus to take this offer would have ruined everything.
It was a trap, and Jesus resisted – away from me Satan!
I need to take the same stand, tor refuse to compromise my commitment.
Jesus stood firm, and in the end He received all authority in heaven and on earth from the Father [Matthew 28:18].
Its interesting to note that the tribe of Judah could not dislodge the Jebusites [Joshua 15:63]; it must be because they compromised (succumbed to Satan’s temptation) since the Lord promised them victory.
It wasn’t until David that Jerusalem finally was taken [2 Samuel 5:6-10], because he was loyal to the Lord and the Lord was with Him.

There are no shortcuts to God’s blessing.
Obedience and surrender to God are the only way.
There may seem an easier path (lying, stealing, cheating, war, violence, etc.) but these short cuts are dead ends.
The way of Jesus, the Son of David, of the tribe of Judah, is the only way.
Like Jesus, we must refuse to go any other way than God’s way.

Lord, strengthen my resolve to do nothing that would compromise my commitment to You and Your way. May I faithfully serve only You.

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