who is on who’s side?

Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, ‘Are you for us or for our enemies?’ ‘Neither,’ he replied, “but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ [Joshua 5:13-14]
The people of Canaan are afraid.
But God makes it clear to the people of Israel that it’s not because they are so strong, but because they are submissive to Him.
Circumcision, the Passover, the Manna, and the appearance of the commander of the Lord’s army all make this clear.

Who is this commander?
My guess is that it is Jesus, making an appearance, reminding the people of Who is in charge.
Jesus is the commander of the Lord’s army.
Angels do not encourage people to bow down to them, whereas this being seems to encourage it [Revelation 22:8-9].
Jesus Himself seems to suggest that He has the angelic army at His disposal: Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?’ [Matthew 26:53].

A few things jump out at me.
First, this commander was always there, just not always visible.
He is behind Joshua and their armies, He is the reason for their power and success.
Second, He is neither for or against Joshua; rather, He is for God.
We cannot claim God on our side, we need to side ourselves with God.
All of us, including those who claim to serve Him, can make the mistake of aligning God to our causes and concerns, rather than the other way around.
Jesus could have called the legions of angels, but He didn’t because that was not God’s plan.

Following Jesus, and partnering with the church, is not about being forgiven, saved, and secured a place in heaven.
Rather it is about being reconciled to God and His kingdom, joining with Him in His plan to restore His creation.
His agenda is not to save us so much as it is to restore creation with us.
When He calls us, He calls us to join Him in His mission, not just to be saved and go to heaven one day.

This Jesus asks us: are you for me or for my enemies.
To which we must not answer “neither”, but “for You”.

Lord Jesus, You are the commander and I must decide whether to surrender to You and Your agenda or not. Help me to align myself to You!

One Comment

  1. The last verse of this chapter reminds me of Moses and the burning bush – ‘for the place you are standing is holy.’ God is making His presence known in one more way.

    God’s presence is all around. God’s actions are ever present. Do we see them? Are we living wholly in His presence – the wanderings, the manna, the everlasting clothes/sandals, His guidance/leading? Do you see what you need to see? Do I see what I need to see or just want to see?

    God gives a visual reminder, that Joshua was in the Lord’s army. I too need reminders that I too am in His army and He is my commander. I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. Today is His day and my task is to do His work -living for Jesus in all I do and say. I must walk with the risen Saviour also today.

    My Beloved is mine and I am His
    His banner over me is love
    [Repeat 3 Times]

    My banner over me is love

    He brought me to His banqueting table
    His banner over me is love_____

    He lifts me up to heavenly places
    His banner over me is love_____

    I’m safe and secure in the rock of all ages
    His banner over me is love_____

    His building His church on a firm foundation
    His banner over me is love_____

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