a pure heart?

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. [Matthew 5:8]
Jesus seems to be echoing what David expresses in Psalm 17.
And I–in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. [Psalm 17:15]
At first glance, this psalm seems presumptuous – though you test me, You will find nothing?
It sounds as if David is claiming total innocence.

This psalm has a context: David is being falsely accused, cruelly attacked, treated unfairly.
In regards to their accusations and attacks, he is innocent.
He does not deserve the treatment that he is getting from them; he is not without sin, its just that he is not guilty of what his accusers are saying of him.
David’s heart was to do the right thing.
He was not sinless, but as for his intention, he was pure in heart.
We know from his life-story that he was not without sin, serious sin.
But when confronted, he repented.
Deep down, more than anything else, he wanted to do what was right.
In v.15 he states his confidence that one day he will see God.
This verse provides background for what Jesus says…
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. [Matthew 5:8]

To be pure in heart is not to be sinless, but to be committed to purity, to have a heart for what is right and good, and to hate what is sinful, hurtful, unholy.
Those who are committed to what is right and good will one day realize their dream.
It is not sinless perfection but the sincere direction of the heart, directed toward God and good.
Paul says, To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honour and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. [Romans 2:7-8]

To see God.
It is understandable that someone who does not want God in this life, will not see God at the end of life.
Someone who resists good in this life will miss good at the end of life.
God ultimately grants each person the desire of the heart.
The question for us is, which way are we leaning?
Am I leaning towards the good, or towards the evil?
Our hearts will always be a mixed bag of good and evil, but which way do we lean, what do we desire?

Is this not what it means to seek first God His kingdom and righteousness?
If this is what we actively want and aim for, this is what we will receive.
We will see God, we will see Him face to face.

Lord, I am not sinless. I do not hate sin enough. But I want to hate it more. I want to love You more than anything else. Purify my heart, that I may see You!

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