relying on God alone

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 8
“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: `Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” [Matthew 4:4]
Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy 8:3.
Israel is on the threshold of a new mission; so is Jesus.
Israel is being tempted to doubt, to be afraid, to be distracted from her mission; so is Jesus.
Satan is doing whatever He can to undermine God’s plan, both through Israel and through Jesus.
Even something as ‘harmless’ or minor as bread can become a stumbling block.

God reminds Israel that they were nothing without Him.
Their success was because of Him, not because of their own power and strength.
He warns them about getting comfortable in their success and prosperity, so that they forget to rely on Him.
Jesus faces the same challenge.
Satan tempts Him to not rely on God in the wilderness, but to use His own power to get food for Himself.
But Jesus knows better.
His survival (and Israel’s) does not depend in His own power or technique; He lives, survives and thrives because of the backing of God.

This does not mean we should do nothing and simply let God take care of us.
There were occasions when this was true – like Israel at Jericho or Jesus in the wilderness – but these were intended to be signs not to forget, in all their work and effort, that their victory was in God.

As we prepare to change location for our church’s ministry, we need to do our part to organize and strategize for success.
But before that, through that, and after that, we need to repeatedly acknowledge that our survival and success is totally dependent on the Lord’s blessing.
It’s not because we are better than others that we will succeed, but because the Lord is working in and through us – even despite us.

As I work through all the details of this new ministry year, I need to remind myself again and again that our only hope for success is in the Lord’s blessing.
Like Moses in Psalm 90, we need to finish all our efforts with these words: “May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us– yes, establish the work of our hands.” [Psalm 90:17]

We also need to remember that Satan will do WHATEVER he can to distract, discourage, deceive and ultimately defeat us.
We can’t let our guard down, or take our focus off of the Lord.

Lord, remind me again and again that my success, our success depends on You alone. Establish the work of my hand, establish the work of our hands!

One Comment

  1. Once again the command of the Lord is – Do this and live.

    And remember. Remember what the Lord God has done for you in days past. Remember His faithfulness. Walk with your Lord each day. See what He has done for you. Each day ask yourself the question – Where did I see God?

    All too often God’s people, I being one of them, forget the Lord when things go well. WE take Him for granted and forget all what He has done for us. We become self-reliant. We say – Look at what we/I have accomplished. Rather we should be humbled and see what the Lord has accomplished through His people inspite of their handicaps. It is He who gives the increase. It is He who blesses the works of our hands. It is He who must be alive through us and in us.

    How is He at work through me this day? It is the Lord’s Day every day. I need to be His champion this day. Do others see Him in me? Do they read Christian in all I do and say?

    Lord, help me on my way.

    Jesus Bids Us Shine, With a clear, pure light,
    Like a little candle burning in the night;
    In this world of darkness, We must shine
    You in your small corner and I in mine.

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