no place to hide from justice

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 35
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” [Matthew 5:23]
The “cities of refuge” in today’s reading are not designed for the guilty to escape their crimes.
Likewise Jesus warns that being religious will not cover being guilty.
Hiding in church, pretending that everything is OK, while ignoring the sin in our lives, will not work with the Lord.

The Levites were given towns among the other tribes, since they did not receive land.
These towns were their refuge, their place to call home.
In addition, six of these towns were set apart as cities of refuge, for people who were accused of a crime (for example, murder) and need a safe place to seek protection and justice.
These cities of refuge were not places to escape the law, but to escape street justice.

The principle behind this is the need for justice.
The cities of refuge were not intended to protect the guilty, but the innocent.
The guilty cannot hide from God.

Deal with your sin, be honest.
Even though we can try to hide from our shame and guilt and their consequences, they pollute the soul, as well as our relationships, and ultimately our fellowship with God.
The mistreatment of others will hinder our prayers [1 Peter 3:7].
Moses speaks about murder as polluting the land, but Jesus makes it clear that even vicious or hurtful thoughts pollute the land.
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, `Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.” [Matthew 5:21-22]

Repentance and reconciliation are essential to healing and blessing.
God does not want us hiding in church (like a city of refuge), offering our gifts or songs or offerings, while unresolved sin and guilt remain.
Stop hiding, face the truth, and then the Lord can help us.
He has dealt with the justice issue on the cross, but we need to repent.
When we seek the cross as our place of refuge, dealing honestly with our sin and guilt, doing everything within our power to reconcile, then He can be a true refuge for us.
He is a refuge for those who truly repent, admit their sin, and seek His help in changing.

Lord, You can help me, but only if I allow You to. Forgive me for hiding behind a religious mask. I come to the cross for refuge.

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