my lot in life

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 34
“To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability.” [Matthew 25:15]
In Numbers 34 we see the land being distributed by lot (that is, by the Lord’s direction), according to the number of the people.
The Lord is distributing the land as a gift, and they are to be stewards of this gift.
They are to faithfully serve Him in the land that He gives them.
Jesus parable about God’s kingdom compares to this: a rich landowner assigning money (a talent was a form of money), different amounts, each according to their ability.
But each one was to be a faithful steward of whatever amount they received.

We may not be happy with the lot that the Lord has assigned to us, but it is directed according to His purpose, and according to our unique gifting.
The Lord makes no mistakes, what He assigns He assigns for a purpose.
Although we don’t know exactly why each tribe got the land they did, we do know that it was determined according to the Lord’s wisdom and purpose – as indicated by the lot.
The same is true for us; we may not know why the Lord has assigned us our lot in life, He has, and for a reason.

I may wish I was born somewhere else, or to another family, or with more money, or with greater height, less weight, etc.
I may resent being born with a handicap, or as part of a large family, or a single child.
I may be angry because of certain abuses or cruelties inflicted on me when I was young, or the neglect or lack of love I experienced.
Better education opportunities, in a better country or era or … you get the point.
As hard as it may be for some to accept, the lot that the Lord has assigned is the lot that best suits His purpose and our future.
We must also remember that those who have been given more will be responsible for more.
Those who seem to have more advantages, better gifts, greater opportunities, will also be accountable for them.

I once heard a parable about a man who went to God to complain about his lot in life, or his ‘cross’ to bear.
He asked God to exchange it for another, so God took his cross, and then brought him to a warehouse filled with crosses, of all sizes.
Looking at all the crosses, seeing what they all included, he tried to find the best (or easiest) one.
In the end settled on taking his own cross back, realizing that it was the best one for him.

Lord, help me to fight less with my lot in life, and more with the attitude with which I receive it. Help me to see the inheritance assigned to me as Your very best gift to me.

One Comment

  1. Our inheritance.

    We have arrived to what was promised. Each tribe was to be given a specific region. It was not a large region but the fruitfulness of the land would be enough. What a blessing! What a gift. What an inheritance.

    Living in the ‘promised land.’ That reminds me of the parable of the stewards in the vineyard. Are we happy with the ‘Gift?’ Just like the talents – how will we use the gift?

    And so today – how am I using what the Lord has given me? Am I content or do I also have roaming eyes and see what my neighbor has and covet his?

    As the Lord God had been with the people and led them here, He would continue to lead them if they would trust and obey. Help me Lord on my way. Help me to use the gifts entrusted to me for Your service.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.
    Ere into being I was brought,
    Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought
    My life in all its perfect plan
    Was ordered ere my days began.

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