pagan missionaries?

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 24
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.’ [Matthew 2:1-2]
The words of Balaam about a coming king [Numbers 24:7,17] remind me of the words of the wise men from the east, also sorcerers (star-gazers, astrologers), who recognize the coming of God’s appointed king.
God speaks to (and through) those who practice “sorcery” [Numbers 24:1] and “astrology” (Matthew 2:1-2).
God is not justifying these practices [Leviticus 19:26], but showing that He rules even over pagan gods and religions.

Humankind can rebel against God, defy His commands, and worship other ‘gods’, but they cannot block God’s purposes.
God is King, and He will establish His Kingdom on earth through a human ruler (what Adam and Eve were supposed to do but failed, God would do by sending His own human king to restore His rule on earth in His image-bearer).
Psalm 2 reminds us of the folly of trying to work against God.
God installs His king, and the rulers of the earth are warned – submit or be destroyed.

God will get His message out, whether His own people help or not.
God can speak through a donkey, a sorcerer, astrologers, even from the rocks [Luke 19:40].
God is in charge, and nothing or no one can resist His purpose.
Jesus is His appointed King, the human image-bearer who rules on earth as Adam and Eve were supposed to [see Hebrews 2:6-9].

This passage ought to inspire and encourage us in our own witness.
We do not need to be ashamed or afraid.
The message of God, the message of Jesus is good, and it is true.
God will get the message out somehow, even if we don’t help.
But He wants us to help.
And He will use us in amazing ways if we do.
Balaam, the wise men, the early apostles, and missionaries throughout the ages, have discovered that witnessing for Jesus, even if the odds are against them, is the wisest thing to do.
For when we speak, with God’s backing, watch out.
His kingdom comes!

Lord, open my eyes to see and believe that this community, this country, this continent, this creation, is Yours. Give me a boldness to speak for You, even if no one else believes me.

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