curses or blessings

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 23
I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. [John 12:46]
Jesus comes on behalf of the God of the universe, shedding the light of truth to all people (not just the Jews), so that they can turn to God and find life.
When the Jewish leaders challenge Him because of His words (think of Balak challenging Balaam), Jesus replies, For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.” [John 12:49-50]
Jesus, like Balaam, can only say what God tells Him to say.
And we would do well to listen.

God is giving Balak plenty of opportunity to repent, to come to his senses.
Balaam, speaking from God, sheds light on this situation – these people are with God, and God is with them; do not resist them, join them!
But Balak is deceived, and determined to get his own way.
He foolishly thinks that the gods (including Israel’s god) are territorial, and that if you find the right spot, you can lob your curses with success.
But the God of Israel is the God of the universe – in Egypt, in the wilderness, in Canaan, in the middle east, to the ends of the earth – God is in charge.
Not even a sorcerer [Numbers 24:1] can go against Him.

Satan wants to curse; God wants to bless.
Satan’s design is death; God’s desire is life, eternal life.
Jesus is the messenger and provider of this life, and the best thing to do is go to Him and listen to Him.
On another occasion Jesus describes two paths, the broad and the narrow path [Matthew 7:13-14].
Either we are for or against God, for or against Jesus.
Either we fully surrender ourselves to Him and to the life that He offers, or we reject Him and life.
There is no middle ground, there is no moderate position.

Am I a fully devoted follower of Jesus?
Am I listening to His message and heeding it?
Am I living towards His blessing, or Satan’s curse.
Sure, the broad way is easier, but look where it ends up.
Honestly, most Christians do not want the broad path, most of us admit that the way of Jesus is the best.
But in practice we aim for the middle ground.
We cling to as much of the world, and self, as we think we can… little realizing that this is leading us in the wrong direction.
Will I – like Balaam, like Jesus – choose to do and say only what the Lord calls me to do and to say?

Lord, Your way is life, my way is death. I know this from experience. Strengthen my resolve to love and serve You completely!

One Comment

  1. Jesus follower? Me follower? Whom do I follow?

    God’s Word is God’s Word. That is the way I must travel each day. I can not manipulate God nor have God in the palm of my hand. I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. I must do as He asks. I must be a blessing unto Him each day. I must do His will each day. There is no choice but to serve Him always if His Word is living in me. I must do as the Lord my God tells me. I am His champion. I can do none other.

    Today, I must continue to live God’s way and be in tune to that way. I am not my own but belong to My Saviour. I must do whatever the Lord says. Are my ears open. Are my eyes open?

    This is the day that the lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am His and He i mine. That is the way I must live for today!

    This is the day(2)
    That the lord has made(2)
    We will rejoice(2)
    And be glad in it(2)
    This is the day that the lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it…
    Take and receive
    Take and receive O lord my liberty
    Take all my will my mind my memory
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey
    Only thy grace and love on me bestow
    Possessing these all riches I forego
    All things I hold and all I own are thine
    Thine was the gift to thee I all resign
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey

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