the devil’s diversions

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 22
Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. [Luke 22:3-5]
Satan knows our weakness, whether greed or lust or pride, and will try to divert us away from doing what the Lord wants us to do.
At first glance, Balaam seems to be on the right track.
When asked to put a curse on Israel, he heeds God’s warning and refuses.
When enticed with wealth, he still refuses: Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the LORD my God. [Numbers 22:18]

But something changes within him when God tells him to go with the king’s messengers.
Somewhere along the line, his heart began to incline towards a reckless path [Numbers 22:32].
Maybe he was reconsidering all that money, scheming about what he could say to appease Balak, get the wealth and not totally disobey God.
In His rebuke, God stresses again, speak only what I tell you [Numbers 22:35], which may imply that he was thinking of saying something else.

We need to be aware that even when we are following God, Satan will try to slip in and subtly divert us away from obeying the Lord.
Never underestimate the devil’s intentions, nor his skills.
He has been deceiving, distracting and defeating people for centuries.
He knows exactly what buttons to push.
Even when we’re on the right track, when we are sincerely and seriously serving the Lord, he slips into our thoughts, our hearts, and introduces doubts, distractions.
How could Judas, who had been with Jesus for three years, fall into Satan’s trap?

Balaam is a reminder to me that I need to continually renew my determination to do only what the Lord leads me to do, to say what He leads me to say.
Judas is a reminder to me that even those very close to the Lord can be diverted and defeated.
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! [1 Corinthians 10:12]
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. [1 Peter 5:8]

Lord, when I am straying from your path, send an angel or a talking donkey or ANYTHING, to bring me back on track with You.

One Comment

  1. God’s servant and yet . . .

    God’s people are God’s people and here Balaam was asked to put a curse on them by Balak. The servant of the Lord had to ask God for the answer? What was he thinking? Curse God’s people? Never would the Lord God do that to His blessed people. What was the motive?

    Stay the track. Stay the way in all we do and say. Don’t entertain other thoughts or second guess. What’s in it for me? We do not have to entertain ways which are contrary to the way of the Lord. Stand firm. Stand in His Light. Be not led into temptation by flattery or reward or ego or . . .

    Once again the Lord opened the eyes – this time Balaam to see God’s presence and how he was contrary to His Word. Open my eyes Lord that I am walking in Your way and not following my sinful desires. Lead me and guide me also on this day to be in Your Way, being a blessing to all those around me so that they may see You living in me – I am a man of God.

    Jesus, keep me every day,
    When I work and when I play,
    When I think and when I talk,
    When I run and when I walk.
    Keep me, Jesus, this I pray,
    Lead me, keep me, every day.

    Jesus, make me good and true
    In the work I ought to do;
    Hold me gently by the hand,
    Till I reach the better land.

    Blessed Jesus, let us know
    How our busy feet should go;
    Till at last in heav’n we say:
    Jesus led us all the way.

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