we are His workers

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 8
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ [Matthew 9:36-38]
God had compassion on Israel, and provided them with leaders and workers.
Jesus has compassion on the crowds, and raises up leaders and workers (apostles and disciples).

In the old covenant, God used limited symbols to represent universal truths.
The land of Israel represents the whole earth.
The temple building represent all people.
The nation of Israel represents all the nations of the world.
The repeated sacrifices represent the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus.
The designated priests and levites represent the universal priesthood of all believers.
In Jesus, the symbolic claims of God are universalized.

The priests and levites symbolize all new testament Jesus followers, set apart for the Lord, for the work of the Lord, dedicated wholly to God.
They are set apart by baptismal cleansing, by the laying on of hands, by their assigned kingdom tasks.
The work is plentiful, what is needed is the workers.
God provides the levites for the old testament work of tending the old testament Tent/Temple; Jesus provides disciples for the new testament work of tending the new testament temple, i.e. the church.

You and I, we are those workers.
We are set aside by baptism for the special task of spreading the message and love of God through Jesus.
We are commissioned by the laying on of hands, sanctified (set aside, ordained) for the harvest work.
Like the priests and levites, we have different tasks in this kingdom work.
But we all are working to gather and build God’s growing family.
We gather people like living stones [1Peter2:5] to build a spiritual house, a spiritual priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices and service to the Lord.
Representing Jesus is not an option in our following Jesus, it is the essence of following Jesus.
It is our assignment.
The question is not ‘am I representing Jesus’ – I am! – the question is ‘how am I representing Jesus’?

Lord, I am Your ambassador, Your representative, called and equipped for this serious task. Teach me how to represent You well, wherever I am!

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