what really matters

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 7
You also say, `If anyone swears by the altar, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gift on it, he is bound by his oath.’ You blind men! Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? Therefore, he who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. [Matthew 23:18-20].
Jesus also challenges the Jewish leaders for being more absorbed by the WHAT than by the WHY.
Apparently they were majoring in the picky details, and missing the point of it all.
Jesus urges them to see that what really matter is the real thing behind the symbol.
In reading this list from Numbers, we get so wrapped up in what was given, we forget why it was given.
Our focus can easily be sidetracked.

The dedication of the altar, as the symbolic meeting place of God’s grace and our humility, is at the center of this reading.
It matters more WHY is was given, than WHAT was given (I admit it, after reading the same list several times, I skipped over those parts).

A church near my house has a sign posted out front: “People see what we give; God sees why we give!”
God was not impressed by how much the people gave, so much as the heart behind the gift.
We are often impressed by the visible: how big a church building, how many people attend, how big their budget is, how many programs or missions they support.
But God might quote Shania Twain and say, ‘that don’t impress me much!’
Jesus looks into the hart, He knows how much you appreciate His mercy, how humble and sincere your faith is, how strong your love is.

If you wrote down on paper all that you gave this past year, the list might be impressive or unimpressive from a human point of view.
But what would God see in the numbers, big or small.
Were the small numbers coming from a big heart, or the big numbers coming from a small heart?
Do you sincerely value the reality of grace, as symbolized by the altar or the cross?

In this season of Lent, consider your heart response.
Think about how much His sacrificial love means to you, or how little.
And think about Isaac Waats thoughts about this: Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Lord, forgive me for being more focused on what I give, and less on why I give. Forgive me for not valuing Your grace enough. Help me to give, and serve, and live, with a grateful, thankful heart.


  1. The Lord Jesus loves us all. I my not have a lot of money to give but it comes from a true heart. True love for God who sent his only son, Jesus to die on a cross for all. How awesome is He. Our God is an awesome God.

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