SCRIPTURE: Psalm 4:1-8
David seems to be in the midst of a crisis, and the people who are troubling him are also mocking him, “turning his glory into shame”. Those with David are despairing, “who can show us any good?”
David refuses to give up. He appeals to God for help (mercy) and declares his confidence that God will help. He chooses to go to sleep at night without fear because he chooses to rest in the safety of God’s protection.
David does not allow the crisis to lead him to despair and defeat, nor does he allow it to drive him to disobedience. He continues to do what is right, and he refuses to let anger and hurt get the best of him. He opens his heart to the searching heart of God, and roots out all bitterness and anger. He knows his only hope is to wait for God, and not take matters into his own hands, driven by anger and hate.
How often do I find myself in despair and defeat through the many lesser crises that I face. I need to see my crises as opportunities to choose to trust God, regardless of what I see or feel or fear. Not easy, but it is a choice.
I give up too easily. I do not arm myself for battle, but I curl up into a little ball and I whine. I need to refuse to give up, to choose to stand firm, to choose to entrust my present and my future to the one who has taken care of my past! “I will lie down and sleep in peace…”
Notice how our emotional responses do not solve our problems. They may give us momentary relief or satisfaction for venting our emotions, but usually the problem remains, and is probably worse. There is major wisdom in David’s example of refusing to be overcome by evil, but overcoming evil with good (see Romans 12:17-21).
Lord, help me to resolve to stand firm in You, even when I find myself in crisis. Help me not to surrender to my emotions, which so often make my problems worst. Help me to surrender to You, and to do what You want me to do! Amen.
David knows the Source of his power. He talks with God. Those around him seek their solutions with false gods, but David states that the Lord, He is God and will hear when he calls upon Him. In my difficulties and trials, David reminds me not to sin when I am angry, and even at night when I am alone on my bed dealing with my thoughts, I need to be quiet and wait upon the Lord rather than my thoughts get the best of me. I need to trust and obey for the peace that God gives paases all understanding. The Lord is my joy and only in Him am I able to deal in safety. My firm foundation is the Lord.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.