
SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 24
You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. [Matthew 5:38-42]
The original purpose of the “eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ principle was to strongly encourage people to respect each other enough not to hurt them.
Jesus pushes respect beyond the negative (do not steal, do not hurt, etc.) to the positive: give, share, care!
This is the way of grace, the kind of respect God wants all of us to show.

Today’s reading from Leviticus is all about respect.
After reminding Aaron to keep the symbols of Lord’s presence (the candle) and provision (the bread), the people discover the importance of RESPECT.
The Lord uses this occasion – where someone intentionally, brazenly curses Him before all the people – to teach them about respect.
Not only for Him, for but for all people, for life, for everything.

Respect for the Lord ought to be obvious.
If we really knew God, what God was like, and our place before God, we would quickly humble ourselves before Him.
But sinful pride blinds us to God, and we foolishly deny or diminish Him.
The repeated message of the Bible is: honour God, fear God, worship God, reverence God, respect God!
Implied in this message is its counterpart – or else!

But respect is due to everyone and everything, not just to God.
The purpose of the “eye for eye” principle was not to set up a system of barter or exchange, but to impress on the people the need for respect.
God did not want people gouging out each others eyes, He wanted them to not do it!
Respect people, do not harm them, respect other’s property!

Jesus clarifies that respect is more than not doing negative things, it is about doing positive things.
Being a blessing, extending grace, promoting life and peace and joy.
Its not that justice ought to be denied, but that we should not turn this into a justification for revenge but rather an opportunity for grace.
The goal of the command is love, or respect.
Treat people with love, honour, respect.
And when they wrong you, use that as an opportunity to bless them.

This does not rule out the serious consequence of disrespect, for God or for others.
Those who continue to disrespect God or others will pay the price, unless they repent!
The Lord uses this occasion to teach people this important lesson.
Show respect… or else!

Lord, respect for You and others goes beyond demanding justice, it calls us to show compassion. Teach me the true meaning of respect.

One Comment

  1. The reading starts with the lamps burning – Jesus the Light of the world, the Light of Life, my Light, my SonShine. And then the bread to be presented to the Lord, evert Sabbath. Not only is God the Light of Life but also the Bread of Life. Without either, man can not live. I am aways in His presence being fed by Him!

    The blasphemer we read about was from a mixed marriage. The people had already strayed from His Word. What is in the people’s hearts will come to expression. As water reflects the face so the heart reflects a man states Proverbs. That heart will give Life or Death. And that rule applies for all mankind. This is His World and He is in control. And the summary of the law is Love God. Love man. That is the whole duty of man. That gives Life and not death.

    This reminds me of the following child’s song which tell all so plainly:

    (VS 1) Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear (repeat)
    For the Father Up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little ears
    what you hear.

    (VS 2) Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see, (repeat)
    For the Father up above,
    is looking down in love,
    So be careful little eyes
    What you hear.

    (VS 3) Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say, (repeat),
    For the Father up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little
    mouth what you say.

    (VS 4) Oh, be careful little hands, what you do (repeat),
    For the Father up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little hands
    What you do

    (VS 5) Oh, be careful little feet where you go (repeat)
    For the Father up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little feet,
    Where you go.

    (VS 6) Oh, be careful little mind what you think (repeat)
    For the Father up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little mind,
    What you think.

    (VS 7) Oh, be careful little heart what you love (repeat)
    For the Father up above,
    Is looking down in love,
    So be careful little heart,
    What you love.

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