above and beyond the law

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5:20]
Jesus explained that He did not come to abolish the Law of Moses but to fulfill it.
Here Paul is accused of undermining the Law, of not observing it.
Yet Paul surpasses it.

The point of the Law is to honour God and love people.
Paul is seeking to do both.
His love leads Him to Jerusalem, and to respect the customs of the people.
He does not unnecessarily provoke, even though his own view is that the Law no longer applies.
But as he says elsewhere, he will become all things to all people so that he can win them to Christ [1 Corinthians 9:19-23].
In this way, he not only fulfills the Law, He surpasses it.
It is just a code, but he translates that code into flesh and blood practice.

This passage shows that we will be maligned and falsely accused if we stand up for and speak for Jesus.
People will not understand, they will not respond in a health, appropriate way.
In those circumstances, we need to go beyond the letter of the Law and live out the heart of the Law, to surpass the strict words and practice excessive love (mercy).
This does not mean that we are weak, but it does mean that we are not cruel or sinful.
No matter what others say and do, we must demonstrate Jesus’ kind of righteousness, the kind that surpassed the technical righteousness of the Pharisees.

Paul goes through these temple motions for the sake of the Jewish christians, that he might win some.
He longs to see his brothers and sisters restored to God through Jesus.
It pains him to see his extended family reject the promised messiah.

So what righteousness is the Spirit calling me to show, even though it may mean suffering or ridicule?
Am I prepared to do anything, in order that I might save some?
Will I even go backwards, adopt old or new practices that make no sense to me, for the sake of the others, that I might win them to Jesus.

Lord, make me zealous for people who do not know You. Help me to identify with them, that they may identify with You.

One Comment

  1. God’s will.

    Serving our Master.

    Paul tore himself away from his friends urging at Tyre not to go to Jerusalem. Caesarea, Paul once again told the followers that the Lord’s will be done and that he would die for Him serving Him. And when he arrived in Jerusalem, he was received warmly and they encouraged one another seeing all what the Lord God was doing through Paul’s ministry among the Gentiles.

    Paul went out of his way with the purification ritual so that he would win them for Christ. While teaching in the temple, there was the uproar against him – a place where there is to be peace. ‘Mob’ rule. Misguided believers. And yet God keeps his servant in His safety net.

    Through it all, Paul was God’s champion – to win others for Christ. He even bent over backwards to win them, as long as his beliefs were not altered. All for Jesus. What a soldier of the cross!

    Am I a soldier of the cross,
    A follower of the Lamb,
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His Name?

    Must I be carried to the skies
    On flowery beds of ease,
    While others fought to win the prize,
    And sailed through bloody seas?

    Are there no foes for me to face?
    Must I not stem the flood?
    Is this vile world a friend to grace,
    To help me on to God?

    Sure I must fight if I would reign;
    Increase my courage, Lord.
    I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,
    Supported by Thy Word.

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