dressed like Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 39
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. [Matthew 6:28-29]
What a lot of attention is given in Exodus 38-39 to the temple furnishings and the priestly garments.
It makes you wonder why God makes a big deal of clothes here, and yet Jesus seems to have a different spin.

It makes me think of discussions I have had with people about how we dress when we ‘go to church’.
The quotes reveal that the whole idea of ‘going to church’ is problematic to me, a reflection of old covenant thinking.
Yes, the old covenant had a sacred building with sacred furniture and sacred priests offering sacred offerings.
But that was before Jesus came and fulfilled these symbols.
The purity and perfection of these symbols pointed to the purity and perfection of Jesus, and the renewed fellowship we have with God through His death and resurrection.

We no longer go to a temple, we no longer set apart sacred priests, we no longer have sacred furniture.
I say this somewhat tongue in cheek, because in actual fact, we do.
The way we treat our ‘sanctuaries’, the way we handle the communion dishes, the way we protect the furnishings from use and abuse, and the way we expect people to dress – this shows that we still live in old covenant mode.

God is not concerned about our clothes, He is concerned about our hearts.
Of course we ought to dress modestly and respectfully, but this is for everywhere, not just for church.
God is not just present in the church building, He is also present in Your bedroom… do you sleep in your ‘Sunday best’?
We live in a time today when everything and everywhere is holy to the Lord [Exodus 39:30, Zechariah 14:20-21].

As followers of Jesus, we can remember and give thanks for the old covenant symbols that pointed toward the perfection and purity of Jesus.
But we live in the new covenant, and the things that Jesus urges us to be concerned about are the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
This means hearts devoted to what is morally right, lives devoted to demonstrating the love and grace of God, people committed to living like Jesus, clothing themselves with His kind of life [Romans 13:14].
If we focus on this, He will take care of the rest.
No worries!

Lord, I want to live like You, I want to live for You!

One Comment

  1. Once again the furnishings of the tabernacles and the clothes of the priests are described. All was completed as what was required. They had done as the Lord commanded.

    The priests garments were beautiful and they were dressed for service – Holy to the Lord. All of His people today, dressed with the fruit of the Spirit , wholly/holy to the Lord. fitted for kingdom service. As the priests were set apart, we too are set apart from the world to do what He has asked – serve Him. And as they were always in His presence, so are we.

    All for Jesus.

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’

    We serve Him wherever we are although the priests served Him in the tabernacle – a place with great beauty. God dwelt among His people but that tabernacle must be within us for the Lord God dwells with his people today. Our bodies His temples. And it also shows us of things to come – the glory of it all.

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